
Blinka auto tune no longer works in the new bookworm RPIOS Help needed

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pi@raspberrypi:~/kiln-controller $ python kiln-tuner.py zn zn.csv
Could not import config file.
Copy config.py.EXAMPLE to config.py and adapt it for your setup.

kiln controller runs but only through terminal

old software now wont work with bottle either

is there any other way to make tuning work again

auto boot working :) thonny complains about bottle which old software wont install on new os bottle issue
all i have done is new OS downloaded blinka installed and tuning gives above error

remove the try/except section at the top of the kiln-tuner.py so it looks like this...

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import csv
import time
import argparse

sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
import config
sys.dont_write_bytecode = False

So that you can see the real error. Post the error here.

pi@raspberrypi:~/kiln-controller $ python kiln-tuner.py zn zn.csv Could not import config file. Copy config.py.EXAMPLE to config.py and adapt it for your setup.

kiln controller runs but only through terminal

old software now wont work with bottle either

is there any other way to make tuning work again

auto boot working :) thonny complains about bottle which old software wont install on new os bottle issue all i have done is new OS downloaded blinka installed and tuning gives above error

python kiln-tuner.py recordprofile zn.csv
usage: kiln-tuner.py [-h] [-c] [-t TARGET_TEMP] [-d TANGENT_DIVISOR] [-s]
kiln-tuner.py: error: unrecognized arguments: recordprofile zn.csv
im getting that in bullseye as well havent tried bookworm yet seems no go in bullseye too i cn not seem to get it going anyone else getting this

I have the master branch code running on the new Raspberry Pi Bookworm OS. Here is what I did.

Create a fresh install on a flash card using the Raspberry Pi Imager. I did not try upgrading from Bullseye to Bookworm as it is not recommended. I had a little trouble getting it to work with SSH but I was not using the latest version of Imager.

SSH into the pi.

sudo apt update
sudo apt ugrade

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/jbruce12000/kiln-controller.git

(Note that pip install does not work on Bookworm unless you are working in a virtual environment. Bookworm comes with Python 3.11.2 and does not have the ancient Python 2.)
Create a virtual environment with access to the system packages:
cd kiln-controller
python -m venv --system-site-packages env

Activate the environment and install the requirements:
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The program should now run the simulator. Edit the config.py file as needed to run your kiln.

I tested this on a Raspberry Pi 3B and checked that it reads my kiln temperature and switches the relay, I did not do a firing.

kiln-tuner.py also runs, reads my thermocouple and switches the relay.

I tried the above on the blinka branch. The relay switches but I did not get the thermocouple working right - I think my pins are not compatible.

Hi all I can only make it run once after installation after that I get bottle error still it won’t auto boot and load either anyone got past the working only once , I will keep trying,that was with the 32 bit version so far hmmmmm anyone or do we need to get it working on Ubuntu or another flavour can anyone confirm at all so frustrating. JBruce have you got any idea I had upgraded rpi imager as well to latest something seriously wrong with getting it running

I have only tested with a clean install of the recommended Raspberry Pi Desktop version, which is 64 bit. I am not having any problems with the master branch or the blinka branch. My multi zone software is also working and uses bottle. (See https://github.com/chipgarner/MultiZoneKilnController)

Hey chip it runs only through ssh from my pc trying to do it on the pi stil says bottle error I can start it from my pc not a problem works only once as well then bottle error I really don’t get why it’s not working the os must be faulty I really need this working with a pi with a screen this ones got me confused anyone can they confirm

I am able to reproduce the bottle error by trying to run the program without activating the virtual environment. This would also explain why the program wouldn't run with auto boot. Sorry for assuming everyone knows how to use a python virtual environment. You need to type the following to activate:

source env/bin/activate

Your terminal prompt will show something like (env) jkg@pi: instead of jkg@pi: to show you are in the environment. The programs will now run normally.

All the software packages installed in a virtual environment (by pip install ...) are only available with the environment activated. See https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html for more.

I have only tested with a clean install of the recommended Raspberry Pi Desktop version, which is 64 bit. My multi zone software is also working with Bookworm. (See https://github.com/chipgarner/MultiZoneKilnController)

PS you need to be in the program directory to activate the environment.

thank you