
multi-agent formation control environment implemented with MPE.

Primary LanguagePython

Formation environment based on MPE

multi-agent formation control environment implemented with MPE.


git clone https://github.com/jc-bao/gym-formation.git
cd gym-formation
pip install -e .


python test.py -s formation_hd_env --num-layer 1

Note: use -r flag to use random policy.


  • Observation: reduce the number of observation in hierarchy policy. (now use fully observation)

  • Leader&Communication: choose the group leader in each layer smartly and communicate smartly. (now use the first agent as leader)

  • Target shape: achieve asymmetic shape. (now only symetric shape in higher level control)

  • Group: divide the group smartly to reduce formation time. (now the group was previously divided, more layers, less distributional)

  • Location: the esitimation of the position of groups. (now the group was located by inference the center of group by leader's observation)

Extend to more agent use hierarchy policy

num_agents_per_layer = 3 # number of agents of your original policy network (or you can use ezpolicy provided by the package)
num_layer = 2 # number of control layer, extend agent number to n^{layers}
env = formation_gym.make_env('formation_hd_env', benchmark=False, num_agents = anum_agents_per_layer**num_layer)
obs_n = env.reset()
while True:
  		# use BFS to extend your policy to larger scale
      act_n = formation_gym.get_action_BFS(YOUR_POLICY_HERE, obs_n, num_agents_per_layer)
      # step environment
      obs_n, reward_n, done_n, _ = env.step(act_n)


  • not recommend to use layer larger than 5, which will run 3^5 network in parallel.
  • make sure your policy network can correct turn the observation of single agent into action.
  • the get_action_BFS is based on Breadth-first search
  • get any target shape: by using the function provided in env by calling ideal_shape = env.generate_shape(num_layers = 3, layer_shapes = YOUR_TARGET_LAYER_SHAPE).reshape(-1,2) and replace the observation counter part with it.


Please Refer to train/README.md If you want to use another algorithm, here is the template:

import formation_gym

env = formation_gym.make_env(your_scenario_name, if_use_benchmark, number_of_agents, episode_length)


basic_formation_env formation_hd_env
The reimplemtation for OpenAI MPE spread enviroment. The target it reach the landmark. Try to mimic the topology of landmarks only with relative observation.
Nov-24-2021 14-10-59
plt plt

Further information

action space = [if_moveable, action_1, ... action_n,  comm_1, ... comm_n]

MVE Support

  • Action: ``