
This repository is for comparing the prevailing adaptive control method in both control and learning communities.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🚁 Policy Adaptation Survey

🤖 Environment

Quadrotor transportation Cartpole Hover Brax html
quadrotor cartpole hover image

🐣 Train

Torch-based environemnt

cd adaptive_control_gym/controller/rl
# Run the train function with the parsed arguments
python train.py \
    --use_wandb $USE_WANDB \
    --program $PROGRAM \
    --seed $SEED \
    --gpu_id $GPU_ID \
    --act_expert_mode $ACT_EXPERT_MODE \
    --cri_expert_mode $CRI_EXPERT_MODE \
    --exp_name $EXP_NAME \
    --compressor_dim $COMPRESSOR_DIM \
    --search_dim $SEARCH_DIM \
    --res_dyn_param_dim $RES_DYN_PARAM_DIM \
    --task $TASK \
    --resume_path $RESUME_PATH \
    --drone_num $DRONE_NUM \
    --env_num $ENV_NUM \
    --total_steps $TOTAL_STEPS \
    --adapt_steps $ADAPT_STEPS \
    --curri_thereshold $CURRI_THERESHOLD
  • use_wandb: A boolean flag indicating whether to use the Weights & Biases service for logging and visualization. Default is False.
  • program: A string specifying the name of the program. Default is 'tmp'.
  • seed: An integer specifying the random seed to use. Default is 1.
  • gpu_id: An integer specifying the ID of the GPU to use. Default is 0.
  • act_expert_mode: An integer specifying the expert mode for the actor network. Default is 0.
  • cri_expert_mode: An integer specifying the expert mode for the critic network. Default is 0.
  • exp_name: A string specifying the name of the experiment. Default is an empty string.
  • compressor_dim: An integer specifying the dimension of the compressor network. Default is 4.
  • search_dim: An integer specifying the dimension of the search network. Default is 0.
  • res_dyn_param_dim: An integer specifying the dimension of the residual dynamic parameter network. Default is 0.
  • task: A string specifying the task to perform. Can be 'track', 'hover', or 'avoid'. Default is 'track'.
  • resume_path: A string specifying the path to a saved checkpoint to resume training from. Default is None.
  • drone_num: An integer specifying the number of drones to use. Default is 1.
  • env_num: An integer specifying the number of environments to use. Default is 16384.
  • total_steps: An integer specifying the total number of training steps to perform. Default is 8e7.
  • adapt_steps: An integer specifying the number of adaptation steps to perform. Default is 5e6.
  • curri_thereshold: A float specifying the curriculum threshold. Default is 0.2.

Brax-based environemnt

cd adaptive_control_gym/envs/brax
python train_brax.py
python play_brax.py --policy-type ppo --policy-path '../results/params' # visualize


# train with RMA
python train.py --exp-name "TrackRMA"  --task track --act-expert-mode 1 --cri-expert-mode 1 --use-wandb  --gpu-id 0
# train Robust policy
python train.py --exp-name "TrackRobust"  --task track --use-wandb --gpu-id 0

🕹 Play with environment

# go to environment folder
cd adaptive_control_gym/envs

# run environment
python quadtrans.py 
    --policy_type pid  # 'random', 'pid'
    --task "avoid"  # 'track', 'hover', 'avoid'
    --policy_path 'ppo.pt' # for PPO only
    --seed 0
    --env_num 1
    --drone_num 1
    --gpu_id -1 # use CPU
    --enable_log  true # log parameter to csv and plot
    --enable_vis  true # use meshcat to visualize
    --curri_param 1.0 # 0.0 for simple case
task=aviod curri_param=1.0 task=aviod curri_param=0.0 task=track task=hover
image image image image

🐒 Policy

  • Classic
    • LQR
    • PID
    • MPC
  • RL
    • PPO
    • RMA