
An Ansible role, available via https://galaxy.ansible.com, that installs and configures apache on Ubuntu.

Primary LanguageJinja


An Ansible role, available via Ansible Galaxy, that installs and configures apache on Ubuntu.

This role works with our repo to create a vagrant virtualbox vm, but is easily modifed to work with actual ubuntu boxes.

You'll probably want to amend / override:

  • defaults/main.yml


Preusming a requirements.yml as follows:

# Install a role from GitHub
- name: ansible-role-apache
src: https://github.com/jcdarwin/ansible-role-apache

We can install the role locally, using a requirements.yml file:

# Install a role from GitHub
- name: ansible-role-apache
src: https://github.com/jcdarwin/ansible-role-apache
path: roles/

Install the role:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles


You may already have:

Role Variables

Available variables are as found in defaults/main.yml



Example Playbook

Our hosts file, as generated by our repo to create a vagrant virtualbox vm:

host1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222 ansible_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file=../.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key

We include a playbook at main.yml.

Running the playbook:

# Note that we're presuming our hosts file has been generated by our vagrant repo
ansible all -m ping -i ../vagrant/ansible/hosts -l all

ansible-playbook -l all main.yml -i ../vagrant/ansible/hosts

# Check that apache config syntax is ok
ansible -m shell -a 'apache2ctl -t' all -i ../vagrant/ansible/hosts

To see the something in the browser (presuming you're using the defaults and have installed the ansible-role-php role):

# Add the subdomain to our hosts file
echo "	localhost.vagrant"

# then visit: http://localhost.vagrant/info.php



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