
These C/C++ source files consist of 150 classes, 300,000 lines of code, excluding a Qt-based user interface. Its functionality includes: GLM-statistics, hierarchical clustering, (non)-linear optimization, L1 and L2 norm minimization, Hungarian algorithm, EEG/MEG forward and inverse modelling, Boundary Element Method, spatio/temporal covariance modelling, image fusion, triangular meshes, KD-trees, topological error correction, marching cubes & spherical triangulations, sparse matrices and matrix operations, spherical harmonics, wavelets, spectra and spectrograms, Fast Fourier transform (FFTWest), data import for many different EEG/MEG data formats, data import for many image data formats.


The source files have been developed for MSVC version 2017, but they are all compatible with linux. There are two main applications: BIAP1D (for MEG and EEG) and BIAP4D (for MRI, fMRI, surfaces, etc). These applications need Qt 4.8.6 and are output in DMS_Projects\Exe\Biap64. Input file: DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Biap.sln

Qt binaries provided are: DMS_Projects\Exe\Biap64\QtGui4.dll DMS_Projects\Exe\Biap64\QtCore4.dll

DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\qtmain4_64_R.lib (64 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\qtmain4_64_D.lib (64 bits, debug) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\qtmain4_32_R.lib (32 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\qtmain4_32_D.lib (32 bits, debug)

DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtGui4_64_R (64 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtGui4_64_D (64 bits, debug) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtGui4_32_R (32 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtGui4_32_D (32 bits, debug)

DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtCore4_64_R (64 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtCore4_64_D (64 bits, debug) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtCore4_32_R (32 bits, release) DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\Lib\QtCore4_32_D (32 bits, debug)

These binaries can be created by compiling source files from Qt 4.8.6 They are seperately stored in Qt4_MSVC2017_libs.zip

Mananuals for BIAP are stored in _BiapManual.zip

Help files to create Biap for linux can be found in: DMS_Projects\Qt4Projects\MakeBiap

Various smaller console applications can be found in: DMS_Projects\Console\Console.sln

Test applications showing how the objects work: DMS_Projects\Test\TestVarious.sln