
There are 94 repositories under eeg-data topic.

  • SuperBruceJia/EEG-DL

    A Deep Learning library for EEG Tasks (Signals) Classification, based on TensorFlow.

  • Ildaron/ironbci

    Open-Source Brain-Computer Interface, ADS1299 and STM32

  • urish/muse-js

    Muse 2016 EEG Headset JavaScript Library (using Web Bluetooth)

  • ucdavis/erplab

    ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

  • SuperBruceJia/EEG-Motor-Imagery-Classification-CNNs-TensorFlow

    EEG Motor Imagery Tasks Classification (by Channels) via Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based on TensorFlow

  • EEGEdu


    Interactive Brain Playground - Browser based tutorials on EEG with webbluetooth and muse

  • craddm/eegUtils

    An R package for processing and plotting of electroencephalography (EEG) data

  • AlessioZanga/PyEEGLab

    Analyze and manipulate EEG data using PyEEGLab.

  • matlab-deep-learning/Abnormal-EEG-Signal-Classification-Using-CNNs

    This example shows how to build and train a convolutional neural network (CNN) from scratch to perform a classification task with an EEG dataset.

  • IoBT-VISTEC/Decoding-EEG-during-AO-MI-ME

    The decoding of continuous EEG rhythms during action observation (AO), motor imagery (MI), and motor execution (ME) for standing and sitting. (IEEE Sensors Journal)

  • Ildaron/3.eeg_recognation

    Machine learning for Anonymous detection of an alcoholic by EEG signals

  • vancleys/EEGFeatures

    EEG Features to be extract from raw data.

  • BIAPT/EEGapp

    A MATLAB application to automatize analysis of EEG data

  • aliseyfi75/COSCI-GAN

    Codebase for "Generating multivariate time series with COmmon Source CoordInated GAN (COSCI-GAN)"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21237
  • bnicenboim/eeguana

    A package for manipulating EEG data in R.

  • millengustavo/epileptic-seizure-recognition

    Repository with Machine Learning techniques to identify Epileptic Seizure from EEG data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18229
  • mvidaldp/Traumschreiber-mobileEEG

    Android app for EEG data visualization and recording with the Traumschreiber BLE device

  • emma-holmes/Phase-Coherence-for-Python

    Function to calculate consistency of phase at a given frequency across measurements

  • neerajwagh/evaluating-eeg-representations

    Resources for the paper titled "Evaluating Latent Space Robustness and Uncertainty of EEG-ML Models under Realistic Distribution Shifts". Accepted at NeurIPS 2022.

  • oliexe/MindSetUWP

    NeuroSky MindWave & MindWave Mobile EEG Headset library for Windows 10 Universal applications

  • alexenge/hu-neuro-pipeline

    Single trial EEG pipeline at the Abdel Rahman Lab for Neurocognitive Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • jcdemunck5/DMS_Projects

    These C/C++ source files consist of 150 classes, 300,000 lines of code, excluding a Qt-based user interface. Its functionality includes: GLM-statistics, hierarchical clustering, (non)-linear optimization, L1 and L2 norm minimization, Hungarian algorithm, EEG/MEG forward and inverse modelling, Boundary Element Method, spatio/temporal covariance modelling, image fusion, triangular meshes, KD-trees, topological error correction, marching cubes & spherical triangulations, sparse matrices and matrix operations, spherical harmonics, wavelets, spectra and spectrograms, Fast Fourier transform (FFTWest), data import for many different EEG/MEG data formats, data import for many image data formats.

  • ngebodh/GX_tES_EEG_Physio_Behavior

    Supporting code for the GX Dataset

  • pktparticle/bciBasedWheelchair

    Brain Control Interface based smart wheelchair. Actions include start, turn left, right, stop with your brain and eye blinks

  • nish-nm/Eye-Wink-Detection-Using-Neurosky-Mindwave

    In this project, we address the problem of eye-blink detection and analysis of left and right human eye blinks using EEG signals with help of Neurosky Mindwave Mobile. The purpose of this project is to monitor and understanding of eye blinks for proper communication with a person

  • voytekresearch/BandRatios

    BandRatios project repository: Electrophysiological Frequency Band Ratio Measures Conflate Periodic and Aperiodic Neural Activity.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook115138
  • emma-holmes/Phase-Coherence-for-MATLAB

    Function to calculate consistency of phase at a given frequency across measurements

  • tongplw/Muse

    🎧 Muse - The brain sensing headband plus attention level

  • brain-products/BVTools

    BV2BIDS is a command line tool that creates the EEG-BIDS folder hierarchy from BVCD files.

  • lowlighter/brain

    🧠 Study about electrical activity of the brain retrieved from an EEG headset (repo in french).

  • ozaner/NeuroSkyOutput

    An android app that displays EEG readings from a NeuroSky Mindwave headset.

  • smlacava/Athena

    ATHENA (Automatic Toolbox for Handling Experimental Neural Analysis)

  • neurotech-uiuc/R-Cario

    This project is an RC Car that can be controlled through facial movements picked up by an OpenBCI EEG device.

  • rsomervail/dusk2dawn

    A plug-in for the EEG lab toolbox to implement Artifact Subspace Reconstruction cleaning with whole-night sleep EEG

  • stepeter/EEG_perturbations_analysis

    Source localization and connectivity analysis of high-density EEG data
