ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
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Incorrect use of eegfilt, epochframes must be at least 3 times the filtorder
#199 opened by PengfeiLu1 - 2
Unable to create a BESTset with ERPLAB Classic
#198 opened by Lee666666 - 0
erp2contraipsi.m does not carry over accepted/rejected/invalid ntrials properly
#197 opened by Martin2Constant - 4
create event list not active
#196 opened by jeenalrambhia - 4
Question about BinLister
#189 opened by thakralp - 0
[ERPLAB studio] looking for previsualizing singletrials result when removing ICA removing components
#195 opened by srh210 - 5
Missing Event Info after loading a second file
#194 opened by andyleynes - 2
- 4
[ERPLAB studio] Issue with Automatic Selection of Periods to Delete in Reject Artifactual Time Segments
#192 opened by coolmintmild - 1
Add to PATH
#191 opened by Allexxann - 1
Version pop-up
#190 opened by Allexxann - 1
pop_artextval still extracts deleted epochs
#169 opened by soniaiaiaiaia - 2
- 1
Binlister error
#187 opened by pb865 - 1
Cannot choose to create EEG event lists
#167 opened by herbstch - 0
could anyone explain how to interpret the channel properties..... continuous data values .is their and values scale like if values more that 1 or greater than 1 or 2 it is good or not
#185 opened by pratibhabhise01 - 1
channel properties
#186 opened by pratibhabhise01 - 2
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Suggestions for ERPLAB from ERP visualization study
#183 opened by vladdez - 2
Updating marks
#181 opened by mhershkow - 2
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ERPlab Functions not available
#180 opened by whitelk - 2
Assign bins: allow overlapped bins
#179 opened by a1phaeeg - 2
- 1
Changing bin numbers for the ERPset?
#177 opened by Nathan-Thomas-Han - 2
Inquiry: How to combine
#176 opened by atiy90 - 1
Error in grand-average mean
#174 opened by Zrn1213 - 1
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How does ERPlab detect a peak ?
#171 opened by MalikaAS - 0
Problems combining data quality measures during the creation of a grand-average ERP
#172 opened by Okmot94 - 1
No color .eps output.
#155 opened by gphaden - 1
Can't read EEG-RSVP .mat dataset
#148 opened by fawaz2015 - 0
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The ERPLAB install script should check for write permissions, and report elegantly if requirements not met
#163 opened by andrewxstewart - 5
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pop_gaverager() leads to Unrecognized function or variable 'DQ_spec_structure'
#160 opened by samuelsze333 - 2
Error when starting EEGlab
#159 opened by PaulSteinfath - 0
Assign Bin Error [Invalid Identifier]
#158 opened by MrvKrt - 5
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Can I plot 2 or more ERPSETS with ERPLAB?
#154 opened by AnaMariaFLPS - 1
ERP measurement tool error
#153 opened by Tanaya93 - 0
Unable to Append ERP datasets
#152 opened by gopioptom - 3
EEG.EVENTLIST.trialsperbin does not get updated after pop_artmwppth function deletes bins
#150 opened by DouweHorsthuis - 1
'Weighted' average is not working without setting the `ExcludeNullBin' argument
#151 opened by filippogambarota - 4
pop_artextval wants an event list
#149 opened by hrea18 - 1
cannot compute grand average
#147 opened by Valeebarons