
Cannot perfomr datatype transformation after deleting channels

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[I want to compute CSD on EEG data which was obtained from Neuroscan 64 electrodes. As channels CB1 and CB2 have no location values, I delete the two channels and then click the Datatype transformation in ERPLAB. Sadly, an error occurred. It said EEGLAB error in function pop_chanedit() at line 745: Cannot open file]

#### Steps to Reproduce
  1. [load EEG dataset]
  2. [In the EEGLAB Edit menu, click 'select data', choose CB1 and CB2, then remove the two channels]
  3. [In the ERPLAB menu, click 'Datatype transformation', choose ' CSD from EEG data set']

#### Expected behavior: [*What you expected to happen*]
#### Actual behavior: [*What actually happened*]
#### Versions
OS version [WIN10]
Matlab version [2019b]
EEGLAB version [2020.0]
ERPLAB version [9.0]