
binlister - only include trials within a specific time range does not work

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I am trying to solve an issue as I have a trials where the participants responded <100ms to a stimulus and I would like to exclude those trials in my bins. Therefore I included a time range for the response event. But the amount of trials included did not change afterwards, so I am assuming something did not work.

The code I used for this is:

bin 2
name of bin

1 indicates the stimulus, 3 the response and everything is feedback locked with 30 being a positive valid feedback and 31 a positive invalid feedback.

I just want to include trials which have been made between 100ms and 1500ms.

#### Expected behavior: I expected the bins to only include those trials, but as far as I´ve seen this did not work. Does anyone have an idea how to get on the right track?
#### Versions
OS version [10.15.5]
Matlab version [R2017b]
EEGLAB version [2021.1]
ERPLAB version [v8.30]