- 0
tmux integration
#79 opened by 0fflineuser - 1
- 3
cwd session can get overwritten
#72 opened by josh-nz - 1
- 8
Correct LSP behaviour when changing sessions?
#66 opened by josh-nz - 2
Loading Session Keeps Current Buffers
#69 opened by thecontinium - 9
Thoughts on new features
#59 opened by josh-nz - 4
Show session name in lualine?
#14 opened by toddknutson - 2
- 11
E492: Not an editor command: require("telescope").extensions.possession.list()
#64 opened by tiagoprn - 4
Auto-restore based on CWD
#45 opened by FormalSnake - 1
- 1
- 2
Error when invoking PossessionShow function
#51 opened by gj86 - 3
Make restoring folds more robust
#52 opened by igorlfs - 4
[Question] Custom plugins? (extensions?)
#49 opened by Gazareth - 8
Automatic session save/restore
#3 opened by jedrzejboczar - 0
- 1
Issue with telescope configuration/Option to turn off the telescope previewer
#42 opened by bogdan-the-great - 5
No fold found Error
#19 opened by gj86 - 2
Tabby tab names not loading
#41 opened by barnacker - 3
Autosave is not working
#38 opened by thatanjan - 8
- 1
Sort sessions by modification date in Telescope
#32 opened by maxigaz - 4
Feature request: `:PossessionRename`
#31 opened by mawkler - 2
No longer works with nvim-tree
#29 opened by ovk - 1
Deprecated treesitter function
#30 opened by damanis - 2
- 1
Can't load temperary session
#23 opened by kdurant - 2
Unable disable `delete_hidden_buffers` setting
#25 opened by 0-th - 10
Compatibility with nvim terminal
#24 opened by deft01 - 3
How to integrate with alpha.nvim?
#22 opened by fjchen7 - 3
Terminal command to load session.
#12 opened by timsofteng - 2
Invalid window id on saving
#20 opened by przepompownia - 6
Error in save/load sessions
#11 opened by awelormro - 3
`:PossessionSave` closes all non-visible buffers
#18 opened by mawkler - 1
[Enhancement] add git branches support
#17 opened by mac-hel - 2
Problem with tmux-resurrect
#16 opened by dmguezjaviersnet - 0
#15 opened by dmguezjaviersnet - 2
Bug when saving/loading session.
#13 opened by gj86 - 3
How do I create a session?
#10 opened by mawkler - 4
Close session without exiting Neovim
#9 opened by midrare - 3
- 12
- 1
- 6
Invalid type name in commands.lua
#1 opened by zeitchef