JavaScript/WebGL glasses virtual try-on widget. Real-time camera experience, robust to all lighting conditions, high-end 3D PBR rendering, easy integration, fully customizable.
Pinned issues
- 1
An error happened. errorLabel =INVALIDSKU
#26 opened by Mujtaba1995 - 3
How to change camera after initialization?
#34 opened by derekmtran - 3
Prevent the library from searching a webcam
#57 opened by ismailajizou - 1
Plugin stuck in Loading
#51 opened by janmichaelvega - 3
Failed to run load_modelStandalone
#50 opened by xielong - 3
Integration with nextjs
#49 opened by tausif-fardin - 1
Adding hand model for virtual button but require calling of video feed function
#45 opened by jhng83 - 4
`Qa.switch_sleep` is not a function
#46 opened by Lucaslpena - 2
can i stick on the upload photo ?
#47 opened by heiheiheibj - 3
How to turn off shadows?
#39 opened by liudaved - 1
Change Env-Map Image
#41 opened by chrisslazzz - 1
Capture image
#37 opened by aberth - 1
- 2
Can install Jeeliz Glasses Studio 3D locally
#38 opened by johnfelipe - 2
3D Glasses Json Example not working
#33 opened by sprengerst - 1
Camera not detected in Chrome
#35 opened by kwiksys - 9
does this work on mobile browser?
#18 opened by alianjum351 - 2
adding my own 3d glass models
#29 opened by Saad-Faleh-Al-Dosri - 1
Regarding SKU models of Glasses
#30 opened by namanmanocha7 - 1
How can i add more glasses to your database?
#31 opened by gokhanamal - 2
How to add new glasses model to database
#3 opened by haiktqd - 1
- 4
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pupils measure
#27 opened by aemsoftwarearacatuba - 0
#25 opened by zikrihazmi - 1
Light in the scene VTO
#28 opened by Luigixx89 - 1
About PNG usage
#23 opened by yigitersoy87 - 1
100% GPU Usage on AMD Vega 64
#22 opened by mikhail-karan - 1
Custom 3D models
#24 opened by dhaiduk - 6
Integrate with android app
#20 opened by asad-mansoor-dev - 1
Change color frame VTO
#21 opened by Duxolo - 2
I want to ask something.
#19 opened by arcpuree - 6
worst then before entirely not working
#16 opened by alianjum351 - 1
- 1
- 2
Invalid Sku
#15 opened by alianjum351 - 2
Invalid SKU
#13 opened by roshen986 - 1
What’s the process for adding new frames?
#12 opened by amraghib - 1
jeelizGlassesVTOWidget cannot work!!
#11 opened by zhangxinyue0211 - 1
- 1
Getting an error in VTO widget.
#10 opened by mudzz174 - 6
"try on a picture" button not working
#8 opened by vikssin17 - 1
How did you stop zooming in on ios safari?
#6 opened by whilemouse - 2
Don't work on Google Chrome.
#7 opened by Hamid-Nazir - 2
Conflicts with jQuery
#5 opened by azkdev - 1
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Don't work on safari 11.1
#1 opened by mr-bantsevich