
Simple conversion from Biorad PIC to nifti for use with DTI-TK quicklook plugin

Primary LanguageC

This small project is designed to translate Biorad PIC files into a NIFTI image structure for 
use with the DTI-TK QuickLook plugin.

See http://groups.google.com/group/dtitk/web/How%20can%20you%20help%20extend%20it%3F

The specific relevant files are main.c and biorad.h

The Xcode wrapper allows the program to be tested from the command line.
You will need to edit the project's header search paths to point somewhere that has znzlib.h
To debug you will also need to edit the executable and alter the debug argument to point to a pic file. 

Sample Biorad PIC files are available at:


but you will need to register for that site.