An extremely light weight, extendable and customisable tweening engine made for strictly typed script-based animations for user-interfaces and world-space objects optimised for all platforms.
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Document Tweens v2 to v3 API update
#47 opened by hsandt - 3
onFinally and onCancel not invoked
#46 opened by Pippepot - 2
Awaitable tweens
#45 opened by f1yingbanana - 3
Errors on install
#41 opened by molleindustria - 0
Incorrect Tween Duration
#42 opened by sam-ln - 7
360 rotation tween functions don't work.
#32 opened by FullStackForger - 0
Please add a ease function for evulating a customized curve instead of fixed one of inner ease function.
#34 opened by jane00 - 1
Can I tween any public property of any MonoScripts instead of modify the tween lib?
#33 opened by jane00 - 2
Add onStart to documentation
#31 opened by jeffreylanters - 2
overshoot parameter?
#29 opened by mchangxe - 2
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Add TweenAnchorMin/Max
#28 opened by hsandt - 6
Tween/Driver script added even after Stop game in Editor during async method (actually Unity's limitation)
#27 opened by hsandt - 4
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URP VolumeWeightTween
#25 opened by Bajtix - 1
Support for Out In ease types
#1 opened by jeffreylanters - 1
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There's a slight problem for "TweenRotate " -> The actual effect is not consistent,valueFrom should be finished at "OnInitialize "
#8 opened by shinedo - 1
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Set the target component using a second generic type in the Tween class reducing code
#18 opened by jeffreylanters - 0
Add Time Scale support
#2 opened by jeffreylanters - 0
Method to cancel all running tweens
#6 opened by jeffreylanters - 0
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Version mismatched
#13 opened by favoyang - 1
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How to get reference of a Tween?
#9 opened by mchangxe - 0
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