FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier

Primary LanguageMATLAB

This repository contains code fixes in order to run on the cluster. 
Follow the directions below as well as copying the following directories which are available from the downloadable package on the FSL website (http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FIX):

  FIX - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier
  Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi and Stephen Smith, FMRIB Analysis Group
  MATLAB compilation/wrapper Duncan Mortimer
  Copyright (C) 2012-2013 University of Oxford


Requires: R (and maybe R-devel), with the following commands run (ideally as root) to install packages:

Requires: FSL

  MATLAB Runtime Component:
	If there is a folder 'compiled' in the FIX folder then the MATLAB portions have
	been compiled for running without MATLAB. The required MATLAB runtime is included
	in 'compiled/`OS`/`arch`'. To install this follow these instructions (starting 
	from this folder)
		cd compiled/Linux/x86_64
		    (...or compiled/Linux/i386 if you have a 32 bit OS and FIX has been compiled
		    for this platform)
		cp MCRInstaller.zip /tmp
		( cd /tmp; unzip MCRInstaller.zip && ./install )
			Follow the instructions from this point - note where you have installed this
			as you will need to change the FSL_FIX_MCRROOT variable in 'settings.sh' to
			refer to this location.
	OS X:
		cd compiled/Darwin/x86_64
		 	(...or compiled/Darwin/i386 on OS X 10.6)
		cp MCRInstaller.zip /tmp
		( cd /tmp; unzip MCRInstaller.zip && ./install )
			NB Mathworks only supports installation of one copy of the MATLAB Compiler 
			Runtime at a time on OS X - if you have already installed a different version
			and rely on it for other software you should not use the compiled version. 

  MATLAB, with the following toolboxes:

  Octave (>=3.4), with the following toolboxes:
        (miscellaneous 1.0.11 for 3.4)
        statistics (1.1.3 for 3.4)
        control (2.2.5 for 3.4)
        (struct for 3.4)
        (optim for 3.4)
  To install these toolboxes, use the script setup_octave.sh - this will ask for a 'sudo' password if
  required (use -g option to install globally rather than for just this user account).
  Octave 3.4
  EPEL on Centos/RedHat/Scientific Linux provides Octave 3.4 which cannot install several
  packages from Octave forge, so download the following from http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/Octave%20Forge%20Packages/Individual%20Package%20Releases/
  Change to the folder where these have been downloaded to and install with:
  	octave --eval 'pkg install -auto -forge io; pkg install -auto miscellaneous-1.0.11.tar.gz; \
pkg install -auto statistics-1.1.3.tar.gz; pkg install -auto -forge specfun; pkg install -auto -forge general; \
pkg install -auto control-2.2.5.tar.gz; pkg install -auto -forge struct; pkg instal -auto -forge optim; \
pkg install -auto signal-1.1.2.tar.gz;'
  To install system-wide run Octave as an admin user and add the option '-global' to each 'pkg install' command.

  Octave 3.6
  Install the required packages using:
    octave --eval 'pkg install -auto -forge io; pkg install -auto -forge statistics; \
pkg install -auto -forge specfun; pkg install -auto -forge general; \
pkg install -auto -forge control; pkg install -auto -forge signal;'
  To install system-wide run Octave as an admin user and add the option '-global' to each 'pkg install' command.

Setup: edit the "settings.sh" script to reflect your system setup - descriptions
of the options are given in this file.
If using the compiled MATLAB version, make sure that FSL_FIX_MCRROOT is set to the location of the MATLAB
Compiler Runtime you installed as per the instructions above.
Setup for using inside HCP pipelines (only needed for HCP):
Ensure the FSL_FIX_CIFTIRW and FSL_FIX_WBC variables in settings.sh are pointed
at your HCP Workbench MATLAB CIFTIRW and Workbench folders respectively.

  MATLAB Compilation
  The MATLAB .m files can be compiled to allow fix to run without requiring MATLAB
  licenses (especially useful where it will be run on a cluster).
  To compile, ensure you have the MATLAB compiler toolbox installed and GNU make
  (Centos/RedHat/Scientific Linux: sudo yum -y install make
   Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install make
   OS X: Install XCode and the command line tools (XCode Preferences > Downloads) )
  then issue the following command from within the fix folder:
  This will install the binaries into 'compiled/`OS`/`arch`' (eg 
  compiled/Darwin/x86_64 or compiled/Linux/x86_64) and create a file 'MCR.version'
  containing the version number of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime necessary to run 
  this programs. Install this into a suitable location following these instructions


See usage instructions at the FSL Wiki:
