The package is a generic Go data validate and filter tool library.
- Support validate Map, Struct, Request(Form, JSON, url.Values, UploadedFile) data
- Support filter/sanitize data before validate
- Support add custom filter/validator func
- Support scene settings, verify different fields in different scenes
- Support custom error messages, field translates.
- Support language messages, built in
- Built-in common data type filter/converter. see Built In Filters
- Many commonly used validators have been built in(> 60), see Built In Validators
Inspired the projects albrow/forms and asaskevich/govalidator. Thank you very much
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import ""
// UserForm struct
type UserForm struct {
Name string `validate:"required|minLen:7"`
Email string `validate:"email"`
Age int `validate:"required|int|min:1|max:99"`
CreateAt int `validate:"min:1"`
Safe int `validate:"-"`
UpdateAt time.Time `validate:"required"`
Code string `validate:"customValidator"`
// CustomValidator custom validator in the source struct.
func (f UserForm) CustomValidator(val string) bool {
return len(val) == 4
// Messages you can custom validator error messages.
func (f UserForm) Messages() map[string]string {
return validate.MS{
"required": "oh! the {field} is required",
"Name.required": "message for special field",
// Translates you can custom field translates.
func (f UserForm) Translates() map[string]string {
return validate.MS{
"Name": "User Name",
"Email": "User Email",
func main() {
u := &UserForm{
Name: "inhere",
v := validate.Struct(u)
// v := validate.New(u)
if v.Validate() { // validate ok
// do something ...
} else {
fmt.Println(v.Errors) // all error messages
fmt.Println(v.Errors.One()) // returns a random error message text
fmt.Println(v.Errors.Field("Name")) // returns error messages of the field
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import ""
func main() {
m := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "inhere",
"age": 100,
"oldSt": 1,
"newSt": 2,
"email": "",
v := validate.Map(m)
// v := validate.New(m)
v.AddRule("name", "required")
v.AddRule("name", "minLen", 7)
v.AddRule("age", "max", 99)
v.AddRule("age", "min", 1)
v.AddRule("email", "email")
// can also
v.StringRule("age", "required|int|min:1|max:99")
v.StringRule("name", "required|minLen:7")
// v.WithScenes(map[string]string{
// "create": []string{"name", "email"},
// "update": []string{"name"},
// })
if v.Validate() { // validate ok
// do something ...
} else {
fmt.Println(v.Errors) // all error messages
fmt.Println(v.Errors.One()) // returns a random error message text
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "net/http"
import ""
func main() {
handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data, err := validate.FromRequest(r)
if err != nil {
v := data.Create()
// setting rules
v.FilterRule("age", "int") // convert value to int
v.AddRule("name", "required")
v.AddRule("name", "minLen", 7)
v.AddRule("age", "max", 99)
if v.Validate() { // validate ok
// do something ...
} else {
fmt.Println(v.Errors) // all error messages
fmt.Println(v.Errors.One()) // returns a random error message text
http.ListenAndServe(":8090", handler)
Quick create Validation
New(data interface{}, scene ...string) *Validation
Request(r *http.Request) *Validation
JSON(s string, scene ...string) *Validation
Struct(s interface{}, scene ...string) *Validation
Map(m map[string]interface{}, scene ...string) *Validation
Quick create DataFace
FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) *MapData
FromStruct(s interface{}) (*StructData, error)
FromJSON(s string) (*MapData, error)
FromJSONBytes(bs []byte) (*MapData, error)
FromURLValues(values url.Values) *FormData
FromRequest(r *http.Request, maxMemoryLimit ...int64) (DataFace, error)
d := FromMap(map[string]interface{}{"key": "val"})
v := d.Validation()
is contains: int, int8, int16, int32, int64uintX
is contains: uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64floatX
is contains: float32, float64
Filters powered by: gookit/filter
filter/aliases | description |
int |
Convert value(string/intX/floatX) to int type v.FilterRule("id", "int") |
uint |
Convert value(string/intX/floatX) to uint type v.FilterRule("id", "uint") |
int64 |
Convert value(string/intX/floatX) to int64 type v.FilterRule("id", "int64") |
float |
Convert value(string/intX/floatX) to float type |
bool |
Convert string value to bool. (true : "1", "on", "yes", "true", false : "0", "off", "no", "false") |
trim/trimSpace |
Clean up whitespace characters on both sides of the string |
ltrim/trimLeft |
Clean up whitespace characters on left sides of the string |
rtrim/trimRight |
Clean up whitespace characters on right sides of the string |
int/integer |
Convert value(string/intX/floatX) to int type v.FilterRule("id", "int") |
lower/lowercase |
Convert string to lowercase |
upper/uppercase |
Convert string to uppercase |
lcFirst/lowerFirst |
Convert the first character of a string to lowercase |
ucFirst/upperFirst |
Convert the first character of a string to uppercase |
ucWord/upperWord |
Convert the first character of each word to uppercase |
camel/camelCase |
Convert string to camel naming style |
snake/snakeCase |
Convert string to snake naming style |
escapeJs/escapeJS |
Escape JS string. |
escapeHtml/escapeHTML |
Escape HTML string. |
str2ints/strToInts |
Convert string to int slice []int |
str2time/strToTime |
Convert date string to time.Time . |
str2arr/str2array/strToArray |
Convert string to string slice []string |
validator/aliases | description |
required |
Check value is not empty. |
-/safe |
Tag field values are safe and do not require validation |
int/integer/isInt |
Check value is intX uintX type |
uint/isUint |
Check value is uint(uintX ) type, value >= 0 |
bool/isBool |
Check value is bool string(true : "1", "on", "yes", "true", false : "0", "off", "no", "false"). |
string/isString |
Check value is string type. |
float/isFloat |
Check value is float(floatX ) type |
slice/isSlice |
Check value is slice type([]intX []uintX []byte []string ...). |
in/enum |
Check if the value is in the given enumeration |
notIn |
Check if the value is not in the given enumeration |
contains |
Check if the input value contains the given value |
notContains |
Check if the input value not contains the given value |
range/between |
Check that the value is a number and is within the given range |
max/lte |
Check value is less than or equal to the given value |
min/gte |
Check value is greater than or equal to the given value(for intX uintX floatX ) |
eq/equal/isEqual |
Check that the input value is equal to the given value |
ne/notEq/notEqual |
Check that the input value is not equal to the given value |
lt/lessThan |
Check value is less than the given value(use for intX uintX floatX ) |
gt/greaterThan |
Check value is greater than the given value(use for intX uintX floatX ) |
email/isEmail |
Check value is email address string. |
intEq/intEqual |
Check value is int and equals to the given value. |
len/length |
Check value length is equals to the given size(use for string array slice map ). |
regex/regexp |
Check if the value can pass the regular verification |
arr/array/isArray |
Check value is array type |
map/isMap |
Check value is a MAP type |
strings/isStrings |
Check value is string slice type(only allow []string ). |
ints/isInts |
Check value is int slice type(only allow []int ). |
minLen/minLength |
Check the minimum length of the value is the given size |
maxLen/maxLength |
Check the maximum length of the value is the given size |
eqField |
Check that the field value is equals to the value of another field |
neField |
Check that the field value is not equals to the value of another field |
gteField |
Check that the field value is greater than or equal to the value of another field |
gtField |
Check that the field value is greater than the value of another field |
lteField |
Check if the field value is less than or equal to the value of another field |
ltField |
Check that the field value is less than the value of another field |
file/isFile |
Verify if it is an uploaded file |
image/isImage |
Check if it is an uploaded image file and support suffix check |
mime/mimeType/inMimeTypes |
Check that it is an uploaded file and is in the specified MIME type |
date/isDate |
Check the field value is date string. eg 2018-10-25 |
gtDate/afterDate |
Check that the input value is greater than the given date string. |
ltDate/beforeDate |
Check that the input value is less than the given date string |
gteDate/afterOrEqualDate |
Check that the input value is greater than or equal to the given date string. |
lteDate/beforeOrEqualDate |
Check that the input value is less than or equal to the given date string. |
hasWhitespace |
Check value string has Whitespace. |
ascii/ASCII/isASCII |
Check value is ASCII string. |
alpha/isAlpha |
Verify that the value contains only alphabetic characters |
alphaNum/isAlphaNum |
Check that only letters, numbers are included |
alphaDash/isAlphaDash |
Check to include only letters, numbers, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ) |
multiByte/isMultiByte |
Check value is MultiByte string. |
base64/isBase64 |
Check value is Base64 string. |
dnsName/DNSName/isDNSName |
Check value is DNSName string. |
dataURI/isDataURI |
Check value is DataURI string. |
empty/isEmpty |
Check value is Empty string. |
hexColor/isHexColor |
Check value is Hex color string. |
hexadecimal/isHexadecimal |
Check value is Hexadecimal string. |
json/JSON/isJSON |
Check value is JSON string. |
lat/latitude/isLatitude |
Check value is Latitude string. |
lon/longitude/isLongitude |
Check value is Longitude string. |
mac/isMAC |
Check value is MAC string. |
num/number/isNumber |
Check value is number string. >= 0 |
printableASCII/isPrintableASCII |
Check value is PrintableASCII string. |
rgbColor/RGBColor/isRGBColor |
Check value is RGB color string. |
url/isURL |
Check value is URL string. |
ip/isIP |
Check value is IP(v4 or v6) string. |
ipv4/isIPv4 |
Check value is IPv4 string. |
ipv6/isIPv6 |
Check value is IPv6 string. |
Check value is CIDR string. |
CIDRv4/isCIDRv4 |
Check value is CIDRv4 string. |
CIDRv6/isCIDRv6 |
Check value is CIDRv6 string. |
uuid/isUUID |
Check value is UUID string. |
uuid3/isUUID3 |
Check value is UUID3 string. |
uuid4/isUUID4 |
Check value is UUID4 string. |
uuid5/isUUID5 |
Check value is UUID5 string. |
filePath/isFilePath |
Check value is an existing file path |
unixPath/isUnixPath |
Check value is Unix Path string. |
winPath/isWinPath |
Check value is Windows Path string. |
isbn10/ISBN10/isISBN10 |
Check value is ISBN10 string. |
isbn13/ISBN13/isISBN13 |
Check value is ISBN13 string. |
- gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
- gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
- gookit/gcli build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
- gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
- gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
- gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
- gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
- gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
- gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
- gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
- More please see