- 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
Is library alive?
#496 opened by dkajtoch - 0
[Feature Request] Aida optimizer
#538 opened by okbalefthanded - 2
- 0
- 1
Lookahead init does not call super init although it inherits from torch.Optimizer
#349 opened by chenkins - 3
- 2
problem with Adafactor
#469 opened by pavelbatyr - 0
- 0
Include the Sophia Optimizer
#501 opened by bratao - 0
adahessian bug: it does not support the 3D conv
#500 opened by ziming-liu - 2
Include Lion Optimizer
#498 opened by Haoxiang-Wang - 0
Include AdaNorm optimizer (WACV 2023)
#499 opened by shivram1987 - 0
Adai Optimizer ICML2022 Oral: adaptive momentum hyperparameters instead of adaptive learning rate
#476 opened by zeke-xie - 1
Which version of Shampoo is implemented?
#452 opened by RylanSchaeffer - 0
fix readme kappa
#468 opened by pavelbatyr - 1
Adan optimiser: Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing Deep Models
#459 opened by iiSeymour - 0
Complex numbers
#458 opened by Ni-Chen - 0
spot bug in SGDW implementation (weight decay part)
#454 opened by Leiay - 0
lamb optimizer mistake
#443 opened by trofimovaolga - 7
Using GPU to train the model
#257 opened by penny9287 - 1
how to deal with DataParallel model?
#436 opened by xk-wang - 0
- 2
[Feature Request] SAM optimizer
#346 opened by bojesomo - 2
Example of how to use scheduler
#404 opened by brando90 - 1
AdamD implementation (or option to skip bias-correction to adam-derived optimizers)?
#385 opened by jstjohn - 1
Don’t include `tests` in your distribution
#384 opened by flying-sheep - 3
GPU memory leak in adahessian optimizer?
#358 opened by sjscotti - 1
- 3
- 2
Apollo optimizer eats all the GPU memory
#306 opened by EmilPi - 0
SGDP default settings are "incorrect" (and the visualization is uncharacteristic for SGDP)
#354 opened by torridgristle - 0
#345 opened by isvogor-foi - 1
README.rst Typo
#331 opened by torridgristle - 0
[Feature Request] SAM/ASAM Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Efficiently Improving Generalization
#326 opened by LukeAI - 0
- 2
[Feature Request] Adaptive Gradient Clipping
#272 opened by kayuksel - 1
Best Optimizer for Training GANs?
#267 opened by kayuksel - 1
Visualization & Benchmarking
#268 opened by kayuksel - 2
Removing python3.5 support
#229 opened by jettify - 1
- 2
eps value in Adabelief optimizer
#236 opened by sidml - 5
Unfair comparison in Visualizations
#219 opened by XuezheMax - 1
What is decay factor in Yogi
#212 opened by bhardwaj1230 - 1
Add AdaBelief
#208 opened by Erotemic - 0
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#196 opened by dependabot-preview - 0
- 0
Update ranger to use gradient centralization
#183 opened by bratao