- 2
panic: runtime error: index out of range
#161 opened by j1elo - 2
Duplicate package names will affect the diagram
#166 opened by yapinxxx - 0
Why aren't they convergent?
#167 opened by dancheng9999 - 0
Add option: Representing dependencies of structures within the same package in a UML class diagram
#165 opened by GenkiHirano - 3
zsh: command not found: goplantuml
#150 opened by dhruv-chavda-mt - 0
Whether there are parameters to control not displaying types without methods?
#164 opened by dezhonger - 4
Installation method is deprecated
#119 opened by scrouthtv - 1
[question] GoLand plugin?
#157 opened by MichaelSnowden - 1
Enhancement: add option to ignore mocks
#163 opened by scriptdealer - 0
Enhancement: Clarify/Improve the `-ignore` usage
#162 opened by j1elo - 1
- 0
proposal: support mermaid?
#159 opened by leaxoy - 0
- 1
It is not compatible with the type() syntax
#118 opened by jeffmingup - 2
Error processing self
#143 opened by dgutson - 1
Add support for layout direction
#151 opened by btiernay - 1
Adding some usage example in the readme
#154 opened by a-kbd - 0
Add support for hiding package members
#152 opened by btiernay - 4
Support top-level functions
#89 opened by hupfdule - 5
Parser Panic
#148 opened by erdemtuna - 1
Please support generics
#140 opened by xiaobaiyouxi - 0
Visualize single function as a functor
#144 opened by dolanor - 1
How to use the generated .puml file?
#142 opened by TENX-S - 0
confusing syntax about composition
#141 opened by xiosi - 0
- 0
Set version 2
#132 opened by jfeliu007 - 0
Go mod support
#122 opened by yerstd - 1
generate error for parameter list
#127 opened by hitzhangjie - 0
Run automated testing with a github action
#129 opened by jfeliu007 - 0
- 0
Composition diamond at wrong association end
#121 opened by fractalqb - 0
Interface implementation is not properly visualized
#120 opened by fractalqb - 0
Bug: goplantuml will ignore nested interface
#117 opened by Hawken94 - 1
goplantuml: command not found
#115 opened by enzofoucaud - 0
- 6
Create a Github Action of goplantuml
#112 opened by jermon - 1
Install issue: no module found
#113 opened by BigBoulard - 6
doesn't draw the IS-A relation when type implements an interface in different packages
#106 opened by hitzhangjie - 3
codecov not running
#108 opened by jfeliu007 - 4
Support for parenthesized type declarations
#102 opened by rlankfo - 6
Generate activity diagrams
#105 opened by jermon - 0
- 3
How to generate the UML diagram?
#99 opened by aggarwalanubhav - 6
Composition doesn't work
#86 opened by nkcr - 9
Generate relation for private fields
#97 opened by ericbrisrubio - 2
Newline is not appended to error messages
#93 opened by MorrisLaw - 0
Add output path parameter
#91 opened by jfeliu007 - 0
The library returned a result that could not be rendered by plantuml
#90 opened by jfeliu007 - 0
Bug: parsing and rendering of named imports
#84 opened by Justin-W - 0
Run gocyclo during CI
#81 opened by jfeliu007