
test for a reasoner on metacontrol ontologies

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A meta-controller implementation for ROS1


Previous steps

Install java jre

The mros_reasoner uses Owlready2 to handle the ontologies and perform reasoning.

Owlready2 by default uses the HermiT reasoner which is written in Java, and thus you need a Java Vitual Machine to perform reasoning in Owlready2.

You can use this command To install the Java Vitual Machine

sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre

Under Linux, Owlready should automatically find Java.

Create reasoner_ws

  • We recommend you to create a workspace only for mros1_reasoner, for example:
  mkdir -p ~/mros1_reasoner_ws/src
  cd mros1_reasoner_ws

Get mros1_reasoner and dependencies using wstool

  • You need to copy the mros1_reasoner and its dependencies into the reasoner workspace (ie: mros1_reasoner_ws).
  cd ~/mros1_reasoner_ws
  wstool init ~/mros1_reasoner_ws/src https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tud-cor/mc_mros_reasoner/master/mros1_reasoner/mros1_reasoner.rosinstall
  rosdep install --from-paths ~/mros1_reasoner_ws/src -y -i -r

Note The above rosdep install uses the -r argument in order to ignore possible errors. Please check the console output to make sure all dependencies are installed correctly.

Build the code

  • Once you have the workspace setup, you can build the workspace
  • Do not forget to source ROS Melodic workspace before building your mros1_reasoner_ws
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
catkin build

User instructions

The mros1_reasoner node needs the following elements:

  • an OWL model of the system to be metacontrolled. This can be manually created directly in OWL, e.g. using Protege, or it can be generated automatically from other models of the system (rosin-experiments provides a way to develop the model according to RosModel, and the script rosmodel2owl.py provides a way to transform it to OWL)
  • monitoring and reconfiguration infrastructure for the given platform, e.g. for ROS1 reconfiguration capabilities are provided by ros_manipulator.py and by the launchfiles in metacontrol_move_base_configurations


Source your ws and launch the reasoner:

source mros1_reasoner_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mros1_reasoner run.launch


Two rostest have been created for this package:

  1. The 1-level functional architecture test, which checks that the reasoner is capable of loading an owl file compliant with TOMAsys including:

    1. a Function and multiple FDs that solves it.
    2. QA performance values for the FDs.

    To run this first test use:

    source mros1_reasoner_ws/devel/setup.bash
    rostest mros1_reasoner test_level_1_functional_arch.test
  2. The QA reception test, checks wheter or not the reasoner can correctly receive a QA value and update it on its knowledge base.

    To run this second test use:

    source mros1_reasoner_ws/devel/setup.bash
    rostest mros1_reasoner test_qa_reception.test