- 2
- 5
Discarding should skip validations (maybe)
#35 opened by slaith - 1
Discarded scope doesnt work properly
#105 opened by Hanaffi - 1
- 3
.discarded query
#98 opened by no1-knows - 1
- 1
`self.class.discard_column` as a boolean `is_discarded` for "if" and use `updated_at` for "when"
#94 opened by chiperific - 1
guard on discard
#93 opened by gioggi - 1
Sequel Support
#90 opened by IsmailM - 12
dependent: :discard
#89 opened by gsdean - 1
how is the integration with papertrail?
#88 opened by laptopmutia - 5
- 2
Nil when finding has_one association
#87 opened by lucydoja - 1
- 5
Run callbacks inside of the same transaction
#77 opened by jeffblake - 2
Support for Rails 7.0.0
#80 opened by dwightwatson - 1
- 1
#73 opened by quorak - 2
All new records are discarded use-case
#75 opened by skatkov - 4
- 2
is discard_all! working on version 1.1.0
#71 opened by mahinourElsheikh - 6
- 3
Discard callbacks don't work with observers
#67 opened by pelargir - 2
- 1
declarative discard parents
#31 opened by robotdana - 2
- 1
- 5
Will this work when saving related models?
#44 opened by bo-oz - 5
Need new version of gem
#36 opened by jonkarna - 1
N+1 queries
#38 opened by NoMemoryError - 3
Discard record on has_many through
#43 opened by lostie - 2
Replacing associations support
#26 opened by kennyadsl - 1
discard has_and_belongs_to_many association
#64 opened by kashifnaseer - 6
- 1
Not working with counter_cache
#47 opened by bragovo - 1
- 3
Support for discarded_by?
#54 opened by caseyprovost - 2
Mongoid support
#23 opened by stanley90 - 1
discarded? value on validations and callbacks
#51 opened by kennyadsl - 1
Integration with Discard gem for soft-deletes
#48 opened by yagudaev - 2
This gem doesn't do much
#40 opened by toobulkeh - 1
- 2
Bang in the methods discard and undiscard
#27 opened by celsoMartins - 1
- 5
- 1
- 0
#discard_all doing batch updates ?
#14 opened by skatkov - 3
- 1
Warden/Devise: Preventing login for discarded users?
#11 opened by rlue - 1
has_many only for undiscarded records?
#8 opened by KelseyDH