
Reallocation - Switching between methods

jhhughes256 opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Description

The difference between the two reallocation methods (one-for-one and one-for-remaining) is currently too ambiguous.

Requested Changes

  • Use tick box to swap between the two methods
  • When selecting one-for-one only allow one box to be pressed
  • When selecting one-for-remaining only allow one column of boxes to be pressed
  • Fade out sliders etc. so that user understands what they are changing
  • Add pop-ups, warnings, so that user understands what they are changing


Many of the requested changes above have now been added to the model, however, this has caused a new issue.

#5 The use of conditionals when displaying the sliders works well visually, however the server still keeps track of how the other sliders changed, causing the slider to already be in that position when changed to. This worked when you could see all slider, however, this now feels really strange.

Pop ups and warnings should be implemented after the completion of this issue, as the changes in the backend will disrupt any warnings that are made with the current build.