
My small examples of teaching myself ceres solver

Primary LanguageCMake

Ceres Solver Sandbox

I wanted to learn the ceres solver. There are a lot of great tutorials on their wiki, but I felt like I needed some practical experience with some simple problems before I jumped into full-blown SLAM.

So, I broke the problem into little peices and wrote a bunch of simple cases to explore the capabilities of Ceres. Each section is written as a series of unit tests in the gtest framework.

Borrowing off the factor graph mindset (I'm from a SLAM background), I organized all my cost functions into factors, found in include/factors


The first set of unit tests looks at the simplest problems.


This finds the average of a bunch of 1D samples. It's a little like opening a piggy bank with a jackhammer, but we gotta start somewhere. Uses the Position1DFactor with analytical (trivial) jacobians.


This is exactly like Position1D.AveragePoints, but it adds a (redundant) parameter block. Just to test how problem.AddParameterBlock works.


This performs 1D SLAM (haha!). There is a 1D robot which takes a 1m step along the real line, 7 times. Each step, he gets a (noisy) range measurement to 3 landmarks (also on the real line). It's a pretty trivial problem, but I wanted to explore how to handle multiple factors, and handle measurement variance in my factors.

Uses Transform1d - the transform between each step with associated variance and Range1dFactor - the range to a landmark and associated variance.



This finds the average of a bunch of 1D samples. Again, overkill, but uses the Position3DFactor with analytical jacobians. I also used this example to explore how Eigen interacts with Ceres.


The second set of unit tests looks at attitude, and the LocalParameterization functionality in ceres.


In writing the QuatFactor and QuatParameterization classes, I wanted to make sure that the associated Plus, Evaluate and ComputeJacobian functions were correct. These were pretty straight-forward, except the jacobian of the QuatFactor. That was terrible. Anyway, these are good for sanity checking the operations being performed by the factor and local parameterization.


This takes a quaternion and creates 1000 samples normally distributed about this quaternion (using the tangent space to come up with the samples). Then, I use ceres solver to recover the mean. Probably the stupidest way to take a mean of a data set, but it exercises the use of a local parameterization, and non-trivial analytic jacobians over my factor.


Finds the average attitude of a sample of 1000 attitude measurements using the autodiff functionality for both the localparameterization and cost function. I also used my templated Quat library and let Ceres auto-diff through my library (based on Eigen).

This example led to an interesting result. I spent something like 6 hours deriving the analytical jacobian for the previous example, and found essentially zero performance increase (In fact, the auto-diff version is typically a little bit faster). While I feel a little sheepish for thinking that I could out-optimize the compiler on this once, fewer jacobians over manifolds for me is a good thing. After this result I pretty much stopped using analytical jacobians at all and let the auto-differentiation engine do its magic.


Next, I figured I could do some pose-graph SLAM in SE3


As before, just to exercise auto differentiation over a tangent space, I used ceres to find the average of a set of 1000 random Xform samples. (using my templated Xform library to represent members of homogeneous transforms)


This is the most basic kind of non-trivial SLAM. We have a bunch of nodes, and edges between nodes. We also have loop-closures so that the graph is over-constrained and require optimization to find the maximum-likelihood configuration of all the nodes and edges.

I'm using full 6DOF edges and nodes in this graph and the first node is fixed at the origin.

I'm also using auto-differentiated Factors and Local Parameterizations


Next, I wanted to look into estimating motion of a robot using IMU inputs. The following examples use a simulated robot that moves at a constant rate along the real line, and but has a noisy IMU with a constant bias.


This example looks at a single preintegration window with the origin pose set constant and a direct measurement of the second pose. Basically, this shows that the unknown IMU bias can be inferred using my Imu1DFactorAutoDiff factor.


This example looks at 100 preintegration intervals with with a common constant unknown bias. The origin is set constant, and the final pose is given a very strong position and velocity measurement. The IMU bias is inferred using my IMU1DFactorAutoDiff factor.


Using the Range1dFactor with range measurements to several landmarks also on the real line and the IMU1dFactor to perform 1D SLAM.


In writing the IMU1dFactor, I had to figure out the jacobian to map changes in bias to changes in the measurement. This test proves that the jacobian I cam up with is right.


The biggest reason I did all this was to help me in my work on SLAM with autonomous agents. Often, I have IMU measurements onboard, but these occur at a very high rate. The goal of these examples is to preintegrate these IMU measurements and estimate biases while doing SLAM.


This examples simply checks the jacobians of the dynamics in the Imu3DFactorCostFunction class


This example checks the jacobian used to modify the preintegrated measurement given a change in bias.


This preintegrates a single window and estimates the IMU bias given a fixed origin and a measurement of the final pose.


This example simulates the flight of a multirotor given measurements of pose at regular intervals. IMU is preintegrated at 250Hz while Pose measurements are supplied at 5Hz. The constant IMU biases are estimated over the interval. The results of this study can be visualized using the Imu3DMultiWindowPlot.m matlab script.


Another problem in Robotics is time synchronization between different sensors. The following examples show how to estimate this time offset.


This example is a 1D robot performing SLAM with IMU preintegration as in the IMU.1DRobotSLAM example, except that I also have a measurement of the position of each node with a small time delay. I use the Position1dFactorWithTimeOffset factor to estimate this delay.


This example is of a multirotor flying waypoints with a lagged position and attitude measurement (as experienced by a motion capture system). The goal is to estimate this offset, IMU bias and the location of all poses simultaneously. The results of this example can be visualized by running the TimeOffsetMultiWindowPlot.m matlab script.


This example is the full SLAM problem - a 3D rigid body moves in space, and has bearing measurements to several landmarks. Performs SLAM while inferring IMU biases.


Next, I wanted to use the ceres solver to deal with the projection associated with a pinhole camera model.


This example simulates the calibration of a pinhole camera. A 3D rigid body gets simulated pixel measurements to known landmarks in the camera FOV. The camera intrinsics are estimated.


Finally, I wanted to see how well-suited Ceres was to solving the model-predictive control and trajectory optimization problem. Spoiler: It's not.


This implements the simple minimum force "move block" example from Matthew Kelly's Trajectory Optimization tutorial paper. The results of the optimization can be plotted with TrajectoryOptimization1DPlot.m


This extends the trajectory optimiztion problem to 3D with a quadrotor agent. This is trajectory optimization on manifold. This doesn't work very well, because the search space is so large that the lack of dynamics constraint results in a multitude of local minima.

Building The Code

There aren't any real linux-specific dependencies that I know of, but I use linux almost exclusively and do not know if this will work on Windows or Mac. You do need Eigen sudo apt install libeigen3-dev and the ceres sovler, installation. I would recommend building the latetest stable release from source and be sure to grab the suitesparse and cxsparse dependencies. This development took place with ceres 1.14.0 and eigen 3.3.4. I noticed that Eigen threw alignment errors with the master branch, which I found odd. You'll also need gtest installation.

This project depends on my templated geometry library for homogeneous transforms and quaternions as well as my C++ multirotor simulator I developed with @jerelbn. (These are included as submodules).

Once you've got all the libraries installed, it's a simple CMake build.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j -l

Running The Examples

All the code in this repo is organized into a big unit test suite. The tests usuall all pass, but not always, and if they don't they are really close. Just run the ceres_tests executable. Being a Gtest suite, it has a number of command-line arguments that it supports. Try -h to see the available command-line options.
