
Learning the Rust programming language with 100 continuous days of practice.

Primary LanguageRust

100 Days of Rust

My journey of learning the Rust programming language by working at it for 100 consecutive days.

Rust pre-commit

To begin, I will be working through The Rust Programming Language (2nd ed.) by Klabnik and Nichols.

Other possible resources:

To play with:


Day Description
1 Rust "Hello, world!" and learned about the key cargo commands
2 Learned about variables, type conversion, and the match statement
3 Learned about 'loop' and 'match' keywords; read about basics of variables and functions
4 Finished up control flow syntax and began learning about ownership
5 Finshed chapter 4 on ownership
6 Started learning about structs
7 Finished up the basics of structs and now moving on to enums
8 Wrapped up enums and Option<t>, began learning more details about creates, etc.
9 More details about paths, scope, and public items
10 Finished the chapter on crate and module structures
11 Experimented with the rust-bio crate
12 Read the chapter on collections
13 Started reading about exception handling
14 Finished reading about exceptions and now onto generics and traits
15 Read up on generics and now learning about traits
16 Began reading about generic lifetimes and lifetime annotation 🤯
17 Played around with example code from the internet, just general practice
18 Finished reading the chapter on generics and lifetime annotations; worked through the chapter of rust by example on conversions
19 Working through examples of flow control code just practising writing rust code
20 More practice with match and now working on examples with functions
21 Finished the set of examples for functions and now playing with random number generation in the cookbook
22 Finished the set of examples for functions and now playing with random number generation in the cookbook
23 Played with the rand and rand_distr crates using examples from the cookbook
24 Experimented with the concurrency examples in the cookbook
25 More examples with concurrency that gave me a good opporunity to learn about the "error-chain" crate
26 Learning about the "ndarray" crate
27 Learning about the "ndarray" crate
28 Finished the examples with "ndarray" and practiced some web requests including with async
29 Began working through the rust cli cookbook
30 Trying to refactor and test the simple cl tool
31 Succesfully refactored some of the demo cli tool to enable testing and added a unit test and two integration tests
32 Started a new simple project to query the omnivore api
33 Started a new simple project to query the omnivore api
34 Started chapter 13 of the book on functional programming in rust and revisited the chapter on generics, traits, and lifetimes
35 Converted a web-scraping project from python to rust, builst some some aws s3 interactions in rust for a work project
36 Worked on getting the trout stocking web-scraping code onto deta and writing to the provided database
37 Refactored my trout stocking code into binary and library and used axum to make a server interface
38 Working on getting my trout stocking scraping app deployed to deta space
39 Continued working on deplying my trout scraping deta app, now trying to use github actions to compile
40 Read about logging and tracing in rust and added logging to my app
41 Refactored the data scraping micro into a workspace to separate the scraping logic from the web-server front-end for deta
42 Add an index data base to my trout stocking deta space project
43 End point to initiate re-indexing of data bases periodically
44 Reduced code duplication and complexity by using traits and enums in my trout scraping project
45 Refactored more code for the trout data scraping project
46 Started working through the 'rustlings' problems
47 Continued with rustlings practice
48 Continued with rustlings practice (strings, hashmaps, modules, quiz 2)
49 Continued with rustlings practice (options and error handling)
50 Continued with rustlings practice (generics, trains, quiz 3)
51 Rustlings on lifetimes and tests, also setup advent of code 2022 in rust project
52 Rustlings iterators (took me a little while because the editor doesnt provide syntax help)
53 Advent of code 2022 day 3 puzzles - a lot of practice with iterators
54 Advent of code 2022 day 4 puzzles
55 Advent of code 2022 day 5 puzzle 1 gave me a lot of practice with parsing the input data
56 Advent of code 2022 day 5 puzzle 1 gave me a lot of practice with parsing the input data
57 Advent of code 2022 day 6 puzzle was actually easy, giving me some confidence
58 Started puzzle 7 for advent of code 2022
59 Working example for puzzle 7, but run time error
60 Refactoring puzzle 7, but still got the same error; i think i know what the problem is though
61 Solved puzzle 7
62 Solved puzzle 8 and it runs way faster with --release
63 Parsed the input for puzzle 9 of AoC 2022
64 Finished both puzzles for day 9 of AoC 2022
65 Parsed input and prepared key models for puzzles of day 10 of AoC 2022
66 Finished puzzles for day 10 of AoC 2022
67 Finished puzzles for day 11 of AoC 2022 but had to look up the hint for part 2
68 Finished puzzles for day 12 of AoC 2022
69 Start Advent of Code 2023 in Rust
70 Day 2 of AoC 2023
71 Day 3 of AoC 2023
72 Day 4 of AoC 2023
73 Day 5 of AoC 2023
74 Day 6 of AoC 2023 (brute force for puzzle 2 actually worked fine)
75 AoC 2023 day 6
76 AoC 2023 day 7 was great practice with generics
77 Day 9 of AoC 2023 (an easy day)
78 Day 10 of AoC 2023; still working on part 2, but getting good practice at using the 'petgraph' crate
79 Day 11 of AoC 2023 gave me good practice with the 'ndarray' crate
80 Was stumped by part 2 of day 12 of AoC, but got help and was able to implement the recommended algorithm in rust easily enough
81 I completed day 13 of AoC without too much trouble, i'm definitely feeling more competent with rust
82 Completed another day of AoC without too much struggling against the language
83 Successfully coded the process described in day 15 of AoC in one attempt!
84 AoC 2023 Day 16
85 I think I'm close to a solution for Day 17 of AoC 2023, but something is slightly off.
86 Solved AoC 2023 Day 17.
87 Day 18 of AoC 2023.
88 Start day 19 of aoc 2023, but it's pushing the limits of my ability to architect rust code
89 Finished day 19 puzzle 1, but it's going to have to change a lot for part 2
90 Aoc 2023 day 20 part 1
91 Aoc 2023 day 20 part 2
92 Aoc 2023 day 21 part 1
93 Read about closures and iterators in the rust book and did the rustlings exercises on smart pointers
94 Read the chapter on advanced uses of cargo and workspaces and started the chapter on smart pointers
95 Finished reading about smart pointers
96 Began ch 16 on "fearless concurrency" and completed appropraite rustlings exercise
97 Finished ch 16 on fearling concurrency and the corresponding rustlings exercises
98 Read chater 17 about oop (no paired rustlings)
99 Finished rust book reading about advanced features
100 Finished rustlings