Jesus follower. Husband. Father of 3. Progressive programming polyglot pursuing perfect software. Geospatial Data scientist @ORNL.
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryKnoxville, TN
jhwohlgemuth's Following
- AsahiLinux
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- bluesky
- CHERIoT-Platform
- cosmograph-org
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- ferrocene
- flatironinstituteNew York City
- GSA1800 F Street NW, Washington DC 20405
- HigherOrderCO
- imandra-aiLondon, Austin, Edinburgh
- Inochi2DDenmark
- jart
- jsonresume
- knime
- LLM360
- lmstudio-aiUnited States of America
- m-ldUK
- NationalSecurityAgencyUnited States
- ONNConnc.ai
- ossfSan Francisco, CA
- OvertureMaps
- pinokiocomputer
- pjcozziCesium
- protomapsUnited States of America
- Rust-for-Linux
- SciML
- taskforce59
- testcontainers
- typstBerlin
- wapc
- wasix-org
- wasmCloud