
python plotly Circos from VCF

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Package vcf2circos is a python package based on Plotly which helps generating Circos plot, from a VCF file or a JSON configuration file.

See documentation and code in GitHub vcf2circos.

This package is based on PCircos code

-._    _.--'"`'--._    _.--'"`'--._    _.--'"`'--._    _
    '-:`.'|`|"':-.  '-:`.'|`|"':-.  '-:`.'|`|"':-.  '.` : '.
  '.  '.  | |  | |'.  '.  | |  | |'.  '.  | |  | |'.  '.:   '.  '.
  : '.  '.| |  | |  '.  '.| |  | |  '.  '.| |  | |  '.  '.  : '.  `.
  '   '.  `.:_ | :_.' '.  `.:_ | :_.' '.  `.:_ | :_.' '.  `.'   `.
         `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `         `

                     __ ___      _
                    / _|__ \    (_)
         __   _____| |_   ) |___ _ _ __ ___ ___  ___
         \ \ / / __|  _| / // __| | '__/ __/ _ \/ __|
          \ V / (__| |  / /| (__| | | | (_| (_) \__ \
           \_/ \___|_| |____\___|_|_|  \___\___/|___/

Author: Jean-Baptiste Lamouche, Antony Le Bechec, Jin Cui
Version: 1.1
Last update: Mars 26 2023

usage: python vcf2circos.py [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT [-e EXPORT] [-p OPTIONS] [-a ASSEMBLY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input vcf File
                        VCF SHOULD be multiallelic split to avoid trouble in vcf2circos
                        example: bcftools -m -any <vcf>
                        Format will be autodetected from file path.
                        Supported format:
                           'vcf.gz', 'vcf'
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file.
                        Format will be autodetected from file path.
                        Supported format:
                           'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json'
  -e EXPORT, --export EXPORT
                        Export file.
                        Format is 'json'.
                        Generate json file from VCF input file
  -p OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
                        Options file in json format
  -a ASSEMBLY, --assembly ASSEMBLY
                        Genome assembly to use for now values available (hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10)


Git clone and Pip

Download package source files.

$ git clone https://github.com/bioinfo-chru-strasbourg/vcf2circos.git .
$ python -m pip install -e .


Build docker image "vcf2circos:latest"
From inside cloned repository

$ docker image build -t vcf2circos:latest .

Configuration folder

Configuration files could be download here: vcf2circos-config (do not forget to uncompress tarball).

tar -xzf <tarballname> <folder>

Regarding where you place your configuration folder previously downloaded, you need to specify the absolute path of the Static folder in "Static" json key (which will replace default value)

Create assembly data (only once)

If you are working with an assembly not provided in vcf2circos, you can build your own required files by following those steps:

1) Download refSeq ncbi from UCSC web server, files: ncbiRefSeqCurated.txt.gz, chromInfo.txt.gz, cytoBand.txt.gz FTP

Unzip refseq file

bgzip -d ncbirefseqfile

Sort by chromosome then position

sort -k1,1V -k2,2n file > sortedfile

2) Process files

A python func is available in utils.py to process ncbiRefSeqCurated.txt, run it from directory containing the python module in vcf2circos ( assembly ex: "hg19")
Create a folder with the assembly name in the Assembly folder in the config directory

python -c "from utils import formatted_refgene; formatted_refgene('path of ncbirefseq file', 'assembly')"


(rename each files in (type).(assemblyname).sorted.txt if it's not already done)

Decompress, sort and rename chromoInfo.txt > chr.(assemblyname).sorted.txt
Add name of columns: chr_name size

Finally cytoBand.txt.gz Add name of columns: chr_name start end band band_color Rename cytoband.txt.gz into cytoband_(assemblyname)_chr_infos.txt.gz

Be carefull for cytoband band and band_color could be inverted (band_color should contains gneg, gpos100 etc)

3) Now you have a new assembly available in vcf2circos, Enjoy

vcf2circos --input <vcf> --options <jsonfile> --output <outputpath>.html -a yournewassembly



$ vcf2circos --input config/Static/example.vcf.gz --options <jsonfile> --output <outputpath>.html -a <assembly hg19, hg38, mm9 or mm10>


$ docker run -it --rm vcf2circos:1.1 -i <input.vcf> -o <output.html> -p /Static/options.json -a hg19


This package allows multiple input formats:


This package generates Circos plot in multiple formats (html, png, jpg, jpeg, webp, svg, pdf, eps, json):

Output Circos plot sections from a VCF file: Doc Circos


Circos plot generated from a VCF file can be configured using a JSON options file. See JSON options example.

Here is an example of a JSON options file:

    "General": {
        "title": "",
        "width": 1000,
        "height": 1000,
        "plot_bgcolor": "white"
    "Static": "<path of config>",
    "Assembly": "hg19",
    "Chromosomes": {
        "list": ["chrX"],
        "all": false
    "Genes": {
        "only_snv_in_sv_genes": false,
        "extend": false
    "Variants": {
        "annotations": {
            "fields": [
        "rings": {
            "position": 0.5,
            "height": 0.04,
            "space": 0.01,
            "nrings": 6
    "Extra": [

Options format

Exemple of a data tab-delimited file (STILL IN DEV): Overview of cytoband file, at terms it will be possible to add this kind of data above copy number level rings

chr_name  start     end       band_color  band
chr1      0         2300000   gneg        p36.33
chr1      2300000   5400000   gpos25      p36.32
chr1      5400000   7200000   gneg        p36.31
chr1      7200000   9200000   gpos25      p36.23
chr1      9200000   12700000  gneg        p36.22
chr1      12700000  16200000  gpos50      p36.21
chr1      16200000  20400000  gneg        p36.13
chr1      20400000  23900000  gpos25      p36.12
chr1      23900000  28000000  gneg        p36.11

General section

The "General" section is a Plotly General section, which configure main options of the Circos plot (e.g. title, size, back-ground color).


"General": {
    "title": "",
    "width": 1000,
    "height": 1000,
    "plot_bgcolor": "white"

Chromosomes section

The "Chromosomes" section defines information about chromosomes (e.g. contig, list of chromosomes).


"Chromosomes": {
    "list": ["chr7", "chr13", "chr12", "chr14", "chr15", "chrX", "chr1", "chr17"]

List of chromosomes

The "list" option define the list of chromosomes to show in the Circos plot. Order of chromosome is still defined in the VCF header (in "contigs" section). If no chromosomes are listed, all chromosomes in the VCF header will be shown.

Genes section

The "Genes" section defines information about Genes (e.g. refGene data, list of genes to show). These information are used to annnotate variants (SNV and SV), and are used with algorithms highlight interesting information (e.g. only SNV on CNV genes). They also can be shown in the Circos plot (below Chromosomes ring)
only_snv_in_sv_genes: display only snv indels located inside SV boundaries
extend: display genes located 1Mb in upstream and downstream of SV boundaries

    "only_snv_in_sv_genes": true,
    "extend": true

List of genes

The "list" option defines the list of genes to show in the Circos plot, below Chromosomes/Cytoband ring. This list refers to the "gene" column in the data.

Filter SNV on CNV genes

The "only_snv_in_sv_genes" option will select (and show) only SNV that are located on genes mutated with at least 1 SV.

Variants section

The "Variants" section defines varaints annotations to show in each variant hover text, and positions of the varaints rings.


"Variants": {
    "annotations": {
        "fields": ["SVTYPE", "SVLEN"],
    "rings": {
        "position": 0.50,
        "height": 0.04,
        "space": 0.01,
        "nrings": 6


The "annotations" option defines the annotations of variants to be shown.

The "fields" option configures the list of annotations in the hover text. If empty list if provided getting 15 first annotations in order of appearance in vcf info field. Moreover size of hover annotations is limited to 40 chars.


The "rings" option defines the "position" and "height" of SNV and SV rings, "space" between rings and the number of ring in lightgray to display.


Medical Bioinformatics Applied to Diagnosis - Strasbourg University Hospital - France


