
A transformer model for picking protein particles in cryo-EM images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CryoTransformer: A Transformer Model for Picking Protein Particles from Cryo-EM Micrographs

CryoTransformer is a powerful and accurate particle-picking framework using Residual Network (ResNet) and Transformer. CryoTransformer was trained using the largest diverse labelled CryoPPP dataset for the first time. It recognizes and extracts abundance amount of true protein particles from the input micrographs while maintaining low false-positive rates. We performed rigorous evaluation, comparing our method with existing AI based methods and showcasing its robustness through multiple labels of evaluation. Our model outperformed the current state-of-the art methods and is poised to greatly facilitate the automation of Cryo-EM particle recognition.

Comparison of CryoTransformer with existing AI-Based Methods (EMPIAR ID: 10532)


Overview of CryoTransformer Pipeliine

Alt text


Clone project

git clone https://github.com/jianlin-cheng/CryoTransformer.git
cd CryoTransformer/

Download trained models

curl https://calla.rnet.missouri.edu/CryoTransformer/pretrained_model.tar.gz --output pretrained_model.tar.gz
tar -xvf pretrained_model.tar.gz
rm pretrained_model.tar.gz

Download training data (if required)

curl https://calla.rnet.missouri.edu/CryoTransformer/train_val_test_data.tar.gz --output train_val_test_data.tar.gz
tar -xvf train_val_test_data.tar.gz
rm train_val_test_data.tar.gz

Download test data

curl https://calla.rnet.missouri.edu/CryoTransformer/test_data.tar.gz --output test_data.tar.gz
tar -xvf test_data.tar.gz
rm test_data.tar.gz

Create conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate CryoTransformer

Prediction on Test Data

This code generates the predicted proteins encircled in Micrographs along with the .box and .star files.

python predict.py 
Optional Arguments:
    --save_micrographs_with_encircled_proteins', default='Y', type=str, choices=['Y', 'N'], help='Plot predicted proteins on Micrographs')
    --empiar, default='10081', type=str, help='EMPIAR ID for prediction. It accepts Micrographs in both .mrc or .jpg format')

Example usage: 
    python predict.py --empiar '10081'

Training and Reproducing Results (if required)

python train.py
Optional Arguments:
    --epochs, default=300, type=int, help='Number of training epochs')
    --batch_size, default=8, type=int, help='Batch size for training')
    --device, default='cuda:0', type=str, help='CUDA device for GPU acceleration')
    --remarks, default='CryoTransformer_github', type=str, help='Additional remarks')
    --data_path, default='CryoTransformer/train_val_test_data', type=str, help='Path to the training dataset')

Example Usage:
    python train.py --epochs 300 --batch_size 16  

Training Data Statistics

Data statistics for Training, validating, and Testing CryoTransformer (* Theoretical weight)

SN EMPIAR ID Type of Protein Micrograph Size Total Structure Weight (kDa) Training Micrographs Validation Micrographs Test Micrographs Total Micrographs
1 11183​ Signaling Protein (5760,4092) 139.36 250 25 25 300
2 11057​ Hydrolase (5760,4092) 149.43 250 25 20 295
3 11051​ Transcription/DNA/RNA (3838,3710) 357.31 250 25 25 300
4 10852​ Signaling Protein (5760,4092) 157.81 270 40 33 343
5 10816​ Transport Protein (7676,7420) 166.62 250 25 25 300
6 10760​ Membrane Protein (3838,3710) 321.69 250 25 25 300
7 10737​ Membrane Protein (5760,4092) 155.83 250 25 17 292
8 10671​ Signaling Protein (5760,4092) 77.14 250 25 23 298
9 10590​ Transport Protein (3710,3838) 1000* 250 25 21 296
10 10526​ Ribosome (50S) (7676,7420) 1085.81 180 20 20 220
11 10444​ Membrane Protein (5760,4092) 295.89 250 25 21 296
12 10406​ Ribosome (70S) (3838,3710) 632.89 200 20 19 239
13 10387​ Viral Protein (3710,3838) 185.87 250 25 24 299
14 10291​ Transport Protein (3710,3838) 361.39 250 25 25 300
15 10289​ Transport Protein (3710,3838) 361.39 250 25 25 300
16 10240​ Lipid Transport Protein (3838,3710) 171.72 250 25 24 299
17 10184​ Aldolase (3838,3710) 150* 250 25 21 296
18 10096​ Viral Protein (3838,3710) 150* 250 25 25 300
19 10077​ Ribosome (70S) (4096,4096) 2198.78 250 25 25 300
20 10075​ Bacteriophage MS2 (4096,4096) 1000* 250 25 24 299
21 10059​ Transport Protein (3838,3710) 317.88 250 25 16 291
22 10005​ Transport Protein (3710,3710) 272.97 22 4 3 29
Total Micrographs 5,172 534 486 6,192

Independent Test Data Statistics

Data statistics used for independent Testing sourced from EMPIAR repository

SN EMPIAR ID Type of Protein Micrograph Size Total Str. Weight (kDa) Number of Micrographs
1 10081 Transport Protein (3710,3838) 298.57 997
2 10532 Viral Protein (4096,4096) 191.76 1,556
3 10093 Membrane Protein (3838,3710) 779.4 1,873
4 10345 Signaling Protein (3838,3710) 244.68 1,644
Total Micrographs 6,070

Data statistics used for independent Testing sourced from CryoPPP dataset (* Theoretical weight)

SN EMPIAR ID Type of Protein Micrograph Size Total Str. Weight (kDa) Number of Micrographs
1 10017 β -galactosidase (4096,4096) 450* 84
2 10081 Transport Protein (3710,3838) 298.57 300
3 10093 Membrane Protein (3838,3710) 779.4 295
4 10345 Signaling Protein (3838,3710) 244.68 295
5 10532 Viral Protein (4096,4096) 191.76 300
6 11056 Transport Protein (5760,4092) 88.94 305
Total Micrographs 1,579

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Open Access
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

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@article {Dhakal2024,
author = {Ashwin Dhakal and Rajan Gyawali and Liguo Wang and Jianlin Cheng},
title = {CryoTransformer: A Transformer Model for Picking Protein Particles from Cryo-EM Micrographs},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btae109},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
journal = {Bioinformatics}
URL = { https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btae109 } }

CryoPPP Dataset

@article {Dhakal2023,
author = {Dhakal, Ashwin and Gyawali, Rajan and Wang, Liguo and Cheng, Jianlin},
title = {A large expert-curated cryo-EM image dataset for machine learning protein particle picking},
year = {2023},
volume = {10},
issue = {1},
doi = {10.1038/s41597-023-02280-2},
journal = {Scientific Data},
url = { https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02280-2 } }