Screen Space Reflection for Unity URP (Universal Render Pipeline).
Please read the Documentation and Requirements before using this repository.
Sample Scene
PBR Accumulation:
Not Included
Stormtrooper Star Wars VII by ScottGraham (CC-BY-3.0)
Enable SSR:
Disable SSR:
- Unity 2022.2 and URP 14 or above.
- Any rendering path.
- Any camera projection type. (perspective or orthographic)
- Multiple Render Targets support. (at least OpenGL ES 3.0 or equivalent)
- Extra steps are needed for OpenGL APIs.
- The matrices used to reconstruct world positions are incorrect on XR platforms. (Try porting it to a fullscreen shader graph?)
- The reflection blending is inaccurate on ForwardOnly objects (Complex Lit) in Deferred rendering path. (Not happening in Forward path)
- PBR Accumulation mode doesn't work properly with distortion post-processing effects due to URP limitations. (motion vectors)
- Transparent objects are ignored by reflections.
- Reflections are only computed once. (Ray bounce is 1)
Part of the code is modified from UnitySSPathTracingURP.