
A repo that get you started to implement projection mapping

Primary LanguageCMake

Projection Mapping Sample: Point Cloud Projection

This package is used to publish a virtual world in Rviz for use on a projector. It also includes a node to turn a navigation path into path of arrows. Feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or encounter any problems. This package was tested with ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.

It is accompanied with the following paper submitted to AI-HRI 2020:

Projection Mapping Implementation: Enabling Direct Externalization of Perception Results and Action Intent to Improve Robot Explainability. Submitted to the AI-HRI Symposium at AAAI-FSS 2020.


Click to watch the video

Table of Contents


  • Download the rviz_camera_stream plugin to your src directory: git clone https://github.com/uml-robotics/rviz_camera_stream.git
  • On Ubuntu, enable a "Toggle fullscreen mode" shortcut Super + F11 in keyboard settings:

Image of keyboard shortcut

Fresh Rviz setup

  • Change the Fixed Frame to the projector frame
    • See [launch/tf_publisher.launch] for an example on how to publish projector frames
    • It is reccommended to add a TF display to see the location of the projector
  • Add displays to visualize anything
    • If you plan to project point clouds, add displays for them
    • If you plan to project the navigation MarkerArray, add a MarkerArray display and set the topic to /visualization_marker_array
  • Add an Image display and set the topic to /proj_view/image or your custom image topic
  • Add a CameraPub display
    • Set the image topic to /proj_view/image and the camera info topic to /proj_view/camera_info
      • See [launch/camera_publisher.launch] for an example on how to publish a CameraInfo message
    • Under "Visibility", choose what you want visible from proj_view



  • The fixed frame in the Rviz confing is currently set to projector_turret_base_link
  • The projection image is the view from the proj_view TF frame in Rviz
  • proj_link's parent is currently base_link
  • projector_camera_info.yaml is set up for a ViewSonic PA503W projector. Details on how to manually calculate the values of K and P can be found in [docs/projector_calibration.pdf].

Projecting Point Clouds

  • Launch point cloud projection: roslaunch point_cloud_projection point_cloud_projection.launch
    • This will launch both launch/camera_publisher.launch and launch/tf_publisher.launch
  • Run the fetch_projector.rviz Rviz config: roscd point_cloud_projection && rviz -d rviz/fetch_projector.rviz, or your own rviz config
  • Run image_view with rosrun image_view image_view image:=/proj_view/image
  • Make the image fullscreen on the projector screen by pressing Super + F11
  • The projector should be pointed in the direction of the point cloud either manually or with a pan/tilt unit as described in the paper

Image of point cloud clusters in rviz Image of point cloud clusters

Projecting Navigation Path

  • Launch point cloud projection: roslaunch point_cloud_projection point_cloud_projection.launch
  • Run the marker publishing node: rosrun point_cloud_projection marker_node to convert /move_base/NavfnROS/plan into a MarkerArray
  • Run the fetch_projector.rviz Rviz config: roscd point_cloud_projection && rviz -d rviz/fetch_projector.rviz, or your own config
  • Run image_view with rosrun image_view image_view image:=/proj_view/image
  • Make the image fullscreen on the projector screen by pressing Super + F11
  • The projector should be pointed at the floor in front of the robot either manually or with a pan/tilt unit as described in the paper

Image of markers in rviz Image of markers

Launch Files

camera_publisher.launch uses projector_camera_info.yaml to publish /proj_view/camera_info, which is a topic of type sensor_msgs::CameraInfo

tf_publisher.launch creates 2 static transform publishers proj_link and proj_view. proj_link is the center of the bottom of the projector, and proj_view is the lense of the projector

point_cloud_projection.launch launches both camera_publisher.launch and tf_publisher.launch