- 0
Evaluation URLs not working
#45 opened by faranak-jahedi - 0
Connections with transformers?
#44 opened by askerlee - 2
Is attention visualization available?
#15 opened by BAILOOL - 7
Wrong Answer index is -1. Error at evaluation
#29 opened by ayushgithub - 1
Error while executing train
#41 opened by sandeeprepakula - 1
Error in training
#39 opened by sandeeprepakula - 0
- 5
Assertion `t >= 0 && t < n_classes failed
#28 opened by panfengli - 0
How to process the multiple choice answer
#42 opened by WangWenshan - 1
Torch: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 30GB.
#34 opened by jijibn - 0
- 0
Not able to extract Image Features
#37 opened by adityac8 - 0
Error when changing hidden_size
#36 opened by robinjia - 16
run error when split=2
#22 opened by xhzhao - 0
- 2
I got a error,
#31 opened by haibin894609937 - 4
Fail to run train.lua
#30 opened by shuait - 0
Getting 'attempt to index a nil value'
#33 opened by jijibn - 0
/usr/local/torch7/install/bin/luajit: ./misc/word_level.lua:94: the class torch.CudaByteTensor cannot be indexed
#32 opened by haibin894609937 - 3
Evaluation file eval.lua
#24 opened by yauhen-info - 0
#27 opened by panfengli - 6
Bad performance on training
#25 opened by xhzhao - 3
which folder for -image_root ?
#17 opened by SeekPoint - 3
About error from executing "train.lua"
#13 opened by rjh7008 - 14
maskedFill , invalid arguments
#4 opened by badripatro - 3
THCudaCheck FAIL file=/tmp/luarocks_cutorch-scm-1-7838/cutorch/lib/THC/generic/THCStorage.c line=32 error=59 : device-side assert triggered in train.lua
#26 opened by suhmily - 2
data preprocess for open-ended task
#23 opened by mikirui - 3
Preprocessing images with ResNet
#6 opened by ili3p - 2
THNN.lua:110: input and gradOutput have different number of elements: input[20 x 26] has 520 elements, while gradOutput[26] has 26
#20 opened by SeekPoint - 3
Error in 'train.lua'
#16 opened by cominger - 1
not enough memory: you tried to allocate 15GB. Buy new RAM! ----is this about CPU RAM or GPU MEM?
#19 opened by SeekPoint - 1
- 1
VQA preprocess
#10 opened by haooooooqi - 1
image_model folder
#5 opened by chingyaoc - 3
The accuracy is weird
#3 opened by chingyaoc - 1
Fixes needed in README
#1 opened by avisingh599