Code for the paper
Balanced Meta-Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Jiawei Ren, Cunjun Yu, Shunan Sheng, Xiao Ma, Haiyu Zhao, Shuai Yi, Hongsheng Li
NeurIPS 2020
We present our code for image classification and instance segmentation in two sub-repositories. Please go into the links below for more information.
Classification | Instance Segmentation |
title={Balanced Meta-Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition},
author={Jiawei Ren and Cunjun Yu and Shunan Sheng and Xiao Ma and Haiyu Zhao and Shuai Yi and Hongsheng Li},
booktitle={Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems(NeurIPS)},
month = {Dec},