VINS-Mono Docker

1. Pull image from docker hub

docker image pull jike5/vins-mono:cpu

Maybe you need login first

docker login -u [UserName]

2. Build image

You can modify the Dockerfile and build your own image:

docker image build -t jike5/vins-mono:cpu .

For proxy:

docker image build -t jike5/vins-mono:cpu . --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= --build-arg ALL_PROXY=socks5:// --network host

3. Run docker container

If it is the first time, you should run below to download and build vins-mono:

sudo ./

For the next time, just run below:

sudo ./

In vins_ws was modified by container user, you may need to change permission:

sudo chmod 777 -R ./*

4. Euroc Example

First, you should check your Datasets directory in the

-v [Your Euroc Dataset Path(absolute)]:/Datasets

Run the container:

docker exec -it vins bash

Make sure you have run or firstly.

source vins_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch vins_estimator euroc.launch
roslaunch vins_estimator vins_rviz.launch
rosbag play [YOUR_PATH].bag
