- 3
nice work, missing keypoints
#6 opened by ygwangthu - 1
I am unable to download the whole body annotations
#49 opened by ssifat9 - 1
- 6
- 5
zoomNAS missing!
#34 opened by 2050airobert - 1
could you please share pretrained models ?
#35 opened by zstuli - 1
If I just use it to train a model, can the “segmentation” and “area” be ignored?
#43 opened by shopkeeper2020 - 3
I am unable to download the whole body annotations from the train onedrive do you have an alternative link ?
#47 opened by grpinto - 1
where to find face and left hand indices?
#45 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
COCO whole body Hand
#48 opened by llllljw - 1
Is the real annotation like this? (Including a large number of tiny-bounding boxes)
#46 opened by qingtianwu - 2
Calculating Sigmas
#44 opened by nomaad42 - 2
Foot keypoint sigmas
#11 opened by DuncanZauss - 4
I want to make a dataset in coco-wholebody format. What tool do you use to make it?
#42 opened by shopkeeper2020 - 2
#40 opened by mywordwin - 1
- 1
keypoints name list
#36 opened by 2050airobert - 1
wholebody json foot_kpts顺序问题!
#37 opened by 2050airobert - 1
Annotation issue
#39 opened by ChilsonZhu - 2
Whole Hand AP
#38 opened by mywordwin - 17
- 1
- 14
Qestion about the feet annotation!
#31 opened by 2050airobert - 2
- 2
WholeBody-Hand (WBH) Where?
#28 opened by mywordwin - 1
Statistics of COCO-WholeBody
#25 opened by SupreethN - 1
- 2
Tagging wholebody
#26 opened by ignacio-ferreira-dev - 4
Matching of foot keypoints to each body parts
#27 opened by maketo97 - 3
COCO dataset - head boxes
#23 opened by cilic-mile - 9
tensorflow implementation
#21 opened by soans1994 - 2
face keypoints versus body keypoints
#22 opened by soans1994 - 1
COCO-Wholebody dataset with detection networks
#20 opened by mfarenzena - 2
- 1
Question about benchmark AP and AR
#18 opened by jacopogiuliani - 2
Evalution result of groundtruth is not 1.0
#15 opened by HaoyiZhu - 1
pip install xtcocotools not working
#12 opened by lweingart - 2
Is there training code to reproduce your experiment? Thank you for checking my issue!
#9 opened by yanghu819 - 3
- 2
- 2
val annotations quesiton
#8 opened by lingtengqiu - 1
Float keypoint visibility annotation
#5 opened by oKatanaaa - 2
How do I run the code on new images?
#2 opened by Anirudh257 - 1
About evaluation code
#1 opened by Junwen-Huang