How Are Learned Perception-Based Controllers Impacted by the Limits of Robust Control?

Jingxi Xu, Bruce Lee, Dinesh Jayaraman, Nikolai Matni,
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
L4DC 2021


We use Anaconda for building the virtual environment for this project

conda create --name rlvscontrol --file spec-file.txt

You can activate and deactivate your envrionment with

conda activate rlvscontrol
conda deactivate

After the envrionment is activated, install some extra packages with

pip install gym pybullet transformations opencv-python

Perception Model

To collect data for training the perception model, run

python --fixation [FIXATION] --num_samples [NUM_SAMPLES] --save_dir [SAVE_DIR]

To train the perception model with depth images, run

python train_perception_model --dataset_path [DATASET_PATH] --fixation [FIXATION]

To train the perception model with RGB images, run

python train_perception_model --dataset_path [DATASET_PATH] --fixation [FIXATION] --rgb

We have provided you with the already trained perception model checkpoints for you to use directly in assets/models/perception/.

Reinforcement Learning

This section provides commands to train the soft-actor-critic RL agent

To train the agent with noise-free z perception model, run

python --ob_type z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION]

To train the agent with depth image perception model, run

python --ob_type z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION] --pnoise --perception_model_path [PERCEPTION_MODEL_PATH]

To train the agent with RGB image perception model, run

python --ob_type z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION] --pnoise --perception_model_path [PERCEPTION_MODEL_PATH] --rgb

H Infinity Control

To collect data for identification with the noise-free z percetion model, run

python --obtype z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION] --num_traj [NUM_TRAJ] --trial_number [TRIAL_NUMBER] 

To perform system idenfication on this data, run

python sysid --ob_type z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION] --trial_number [TRIAL_NUMBER] --id_horizon [ID_horizon] --amount_of_data [AMOUNT_OF_DATA]

To Synthesize an Hinfinity controller for this model, run

matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -r "robust_control([FIXATION], 0, 0, 0, [CONTROL_PENALTY], [AMOUNT_OF_DATA], [TRIAL_NUMBER]); exit"

To evaluate the performance of this controller, run

python enjoy_hinf_controller --ob_type z_sequence --fixation [FIXATION] --trial_number [TRIAL_NUMBER] --id_horizon [ID_horizon] --amount_of_data [AMOUNT_OF_DATA]

To complete the above tasks with the depth image percetion model, add --pnoise to each of the above python commands, and the change the third argument to a one in the MATLAB command.

To complete the above tasks with the rgb image perception model, add --pnoise --rgb to each of the above python commands, and set the third and fourth arguments in the MATLAB command to one.


	title={How Are Learned Perception-Based Controllers Impacted by the Limits of Robust Control?},
	author={Xu, Jingxi and Lee, Bruce and Matni, Nikolai and Jayaraman, Dinesh},
	booktitle={Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC)},