
Pathohistlogical glomerular segementation on whole slide images using Faster R-CNN and ESPNet.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Pathohistological Glomerular Segmentation

This repository will introduce an example of pathohistological glomerular segmentation on a whole slide image.
We uses the ESPNet method and the Glomerular detection for its implementation.


  1. Requirements: hardware
  2. Requirements: software
  3. Basic installation
  4. Quick Start
  5. Data Preparation
  6. Train
  7. Test

Requirements: hardware


GPUs (e.g., Titan, P100, V100, ...) with at least 3G of memory suffices

Requirements: software


  • Docker (e.g., version 18.09.2, build 6247962)


  • NVIDIA Docker (e.g., version 1.0.1), Docker Engine Utility for NVIDIA GPUs (e.g., version 2.0.2), NVIDIA Container Runtime for Docker (e.g., version 2.1.0), or NVIDIA Container Toolkit (e.g., version 2.2.1)

Basic installation

1. Clone this repository

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jinseikenai/glomeruli_segmentation

2. Build docker image

docker build -t glomerular-espnet-pytorch:latest -f docker/gpu.dockerfile .

3. Run docker container

# If you do not use GPUs
docker run --shm-size 12G --rm -ti -v {mount directory at host}:{mount directory at container} glomerular-espnet-pytorch:latest /bin/bash
# If you use NVIDIA Docker
nvidia-docker run --shm-size 12G --rm -ti -v {mount directory at host}:{mount directory at container} glomerular-espnet-pytorch:latest /bin/bash
# If you use NVIDIA GPUs
docker run --runtime=nvidia --shm-size 12G --rm -ti -v {mount directory at host}:{mount directory at container} glomerular-espnet-pytorch:latest /bin/bash
# If you use NVIDIA GPUs
docker run --gpus 0 --shm-size 12G --rm -ti -v {mount directory at host}:{mount directory at container} glomerular-espnet-pytorch:latest /bin/bash

Everything below should be implemented in this container.

Quick Start

Data Preparation

See the directory "examples/" in this repository.
If you want to evaluate the performance of segmentation, options below are necessary to prepare.

    +-- <Parent directory>
        +-- opt_pas_test_list.txt: a file of target list. In the file, ndpi filenames without extension are written.
        +-- data
            +-- 02_PAS
            |   +-- <Patient number>
            |       +-- annotations (option)
            |       |    +-- filename.xml: a ground truth file of glomerular detection
            |       +-- glomerular_wsi.ndpi: an original whole slide image. ndpi.
            +-- label (option)
            |   +-- all
            |       +-- <Patient number>
            |           +-- glomerular_label_name.PNG: single glomerular label images. This should be created from glomerular_image_name.json below.
            +-- seg_annotation (option)
                +-- <Patient number>
                    +-- glomerular_image_name.PNG: single glomerular images
                    +-- glomerular_image_name.json: single glomerular label data


Data Preparation

    +-- <Parent directory>
        +-- train: training data
        |   +-- rgb
        |   |   +-- glomerular_image_name.PNG: original single glomerular images
        |   +-- label
        |   |   +-- glomerular_label_name.PNG: single glomerular label images. This should be created from glomerular_image_name.json below. The image name must be the same as the original single glomerular image.
        +-- val: validation data
            +-- rgb
            |   +-- glomerular_image_name.PNG: original single glomerular images
            +-- label
                +-- glomerular_label_name.PNG: single glomerular label images. This should be created from glomerular_image_name.json below. The image name must be the same as the original single glomerular image.
# Create dataset list. This program output train.txt and val.txt in the "--data_dir".
python /opt/ESPNet/train/create_dataset_txt.py \
    --data_dir={Required. Set path to the parent data directory.}

This program outputs files below in "--data_dir".

+-- <data_dir>
    +-- train.txt: absolute path to the training rgb and label images are written.
    +-- val.txt: absolute path to the validation rgb and label images are written.
# Start encoder training from scratch
python /opt/ESPNet/train/main.py \
    --data_dir={Required. Set path to the parent data directory.} \
    --classes={Required. Set the number of classes including background} \
    --scaleIn=8 \
    --p=2 \
    --q=8 \
    --gpu_id={Required. Set GPU ID} \
    --savedir={Required. Set path to the output directory.} \
    --max_epochs={Required. Set the number of epochs.}

This program outputs files below in "savedir".

+-- <savedir>_enc_2_8
    +-- acc_{num of epoch}.txt:  accuracy and mIoU
    +-- model_{num of epoch}.pth: trained snapshot
    +-- model.png: depicted network architecture
    +-- trainValLog.txt: loss and  mIoU for trainig and validation
    +-- mean_std.txt: Mean and Standard deviation of RGB values of all training images.
# Start decoder training with the use of the encoder trained model
python /opt/ESPNet/train/main.py \
    --data_dir={Required. Set path to the parent data directory.} \
    --classes={Required. Set the number of classes including background} \
    --scaleIn=1 \
    --p=2 \
    --q=8 \
    --decoder=True \
    --pretrained={Required. Set path to the best encoder trained model.} \
    --gpu_id={Required. Set GPU ID} \
    --savedir={Required. Set path to the output directory.} \
    --max_epochs={Required. Set the number of epochs.|

This program outputs files below in "savedir".

+-- <savedir>_dec_2_8
    +-- acc_{num of epoch}.txt:  accuracy and IoU of each classes
    +-- model_{num of epoch}.pth: trained snapshot
    +-- model.png: depicted network architecture
    +-- trainValLog.txt: loss and  mIoU for trainig and validation
    +-- mean_std.txt: Mean and Standard deviation of RGB values of all training images.


1. Glomerular detection

  • Clone the repository of Glomerular detection. Implement 1. Glomeruli Detection and 2. Merging Overlapping Regions.
  • Use the trained model
  • Make cropped images for segmentaion
python /opt/glomeruli_detection/make_seg_data.py \
    --staining=OPT_PAS \
    --target_list={Required. Set path to the file of target list. In the file, ndpi filenames without extension are written.} \
    --merged_detection_result_csv={Required. Set path to the merged detection result (csv file format)} \
    --wsi_dir={Required. Set path to the parent directory of whole slide images} \
    --segmentation_gt_json_dir={Option. Set path to parent directory of the segmentation grount truth json files. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --object_detection_gt_xml_dir={Option. Set path to the parent directory of the segmentation object detection xml files. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --segmentation_gt_png_dir={Option. Set path to parent directory of the label images. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --output_dir={Option. Set path to the output directory. If you do not set this argument, output files to ./output/seg_data/.}
  • --segmentation_gt_json_dir

The directory consists of glomerular images and label data. See below.

+-- <--segmentation_gt_json_dir>
    +-- <Patient number>
        +-- glomerular_image_name.PNG: glomerular images
        +-- glomerular_image_name.json: label data

The json format is the same as the output labelme.

  • --object_detection_gt_xml_dir

The directory consists of glomerular detection ground truth files. See below.

+-- <--object_detection_gt_xml_dir>
    +-- 02_PAS/
        +-- <Patient number>
            +-- annotations
                +-- filename.xml: a ground truth file of glomerular detection
  • --segmentation_gt_png_dir

The directory consists of glomerular label images (ground truth). See below.

+-- <segmentation_gt_png_dir>
    +-- all
        +-- <Patient number>
            +-- glomerular_label_name.PNG: glomerular label images
  • --output_dir

This program outputs files below in "output_dir".

+-- <output_dir>
    +-- org_image
    |   +-- all
    |       +-- <Patient number>
    |           +-- glomerular_cropped_name.PNG: glomerular cropped images of detected areas
    +-- label (if you set segmentation_gt_json_dir, object_detection_gt_xml_dir, and segmentation_gt_png_dir.)
        +-- all
            +-- <Patient number>
                +-- glomerular_label_name.PNG: glomerular label images of detected areas

2. Glomerular segmentation on the detected region

python /opt/ESPNet/test/VisualizeResults_iou.py \
    --classes 5 \
    --rgb_data_dir {Requied. Set path to parent directory of original glomerular images} \
    --label_data_dir {Option. Set path to parent directory of label images if you want to evaluate accuracy} \
    --savedir {Option. Set path to the output directory of the results} \
    --weights {Required. Set path to the weights file. (e.g., /models/espnet_fold1.pth )} \
    --gpu_id {Option. Set gpu id. If -1, then CPU.} \
    --img_extn PNG \
    --mean {Required. Set gloabal mean values (BGR) of training images. See the table below.} \
    --std {Required. Set global standard deviation values (BGR) of training images. See the table below.} \
    --decoder \
    --colored \
    --overlay \

set mean and std RGB values of training dataset to the argument of "mean" and "std" below when use our trained models.

fold mean (B G R) std (B G R)
fold1 204.60071 170.19359 199.57469 20.61257 42.92207 28.401505
fold2 202.38148 167.13171 198.10599 20.704079, 42.958416, 28.366297
fold3 203.12099 167.813 198.50894 21.038654 43.769535 29.034416
fold4 203.66399 167.94217 198.58081 20.96783 43.556736 28.838718
fold5 204.49896 169.03307 199.22058 20.547842 42.86628 27.966227

This program outputs files below in "savedir".

+-- <savedir>
    +-- <Patient number>
    |    +-- {input image name}_org.png: original images
    |    +-- {input image name}_overlay.png: predicted label overlayed on original images
    |    +-- {input image name}.json: predicted label images
    +-- combined_images
    |    +-- <Patient number>
    |        +-- {input image name}.png: combined images. Ordeir is <original image, ground-truth, predicted label overlayes on original image> 
    +-- summary_accuracy.csv: IoU of each category and mIoU are shown. This is generated if you set label_data_dir. Columns are "filename,glomerulus, crescent, sclerosis, mesangium, background iou,glomerulus iou,crescent iou,sclerosis iou, mesangium iou,mIoU"
    +-- summary_dataset.csv: summary of the ground truth. Number of glomeruli including each class is summarized. This is generated if you set label_data_dir. Columns are "patient_id, glomerulus, crescent, sclerosis, mesangium".
    +-- summary_pixel.csv: pixel summary of the predicted labels. Columns are "patient_id, filename, background, glomerulus, crescent, sclerosis, mesangium"
    +-- overall_accuracy.txt: output "overall_acc:{}, per_class_acc:{}, per_class_iou:{}, mIOU:{}". List is [background, glomerulus, crescent, sclerosis, mesangium].

3. Merge glomerular segmenation over WSIs and evaluate

python3 /opt/ESPNet/test/eval_wsi_segmentation.py \
    --target_list={Required. Set path to the file of target list. In the file, ndpi filenames without extension are written. (txt file format)} \
    --merged_detection_result_csv={Required. Set path to the merged detection result (csv file format)} \
    --wsi_dir={Required. Set path to parent directory of whole slide images} \
    --segmentation_pred_json_dir={Required. Set path to the parent directory of the segmentation pred json files} \
    --segmentation_gt_json_dir={Option. Set path to parent directory of the segmentation grount truth json files. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --object_detection_gt_xml_dir={Option. Set path to the parent directory of the segmentation object detection xml filesi. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --segmentation_gt_png_dir={Option. Set path to parent directory of the label images. If you do not have the ground truth, no need to set this argument.} \
    --output_file={Option. Set output file name. If you do not set, output a file to ./output/seg_data_pred/seg_data_output.tsv.} \
    --output_dir={Option. Set path to the output directory for merged images. If you do not set, output a file to ./output/seg_data_pred/}

This program outputs files below in "output_dir".

+-- <output_dir>
    +-- {Patient number}_pred.jpg: overlayed predicted segmentation image
    +-- seg_data_output_tsv: IoU of each category and mIoU are shown. This is generated if you set --segmentation_gt_json_dir, --object_detection_gt_xml_dir, and --segmentation_gt_png_dir.