Car and lane detection with opencv and yolov3 c++

This is a method that detects cars and lane on road using c++ opencv and yolov3. These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

System version that I am using

opencv => 2.4.9

gcc => 5.4



Intel® Core™ i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 4

8gb Ram


git clone

cd Car-and-lane-detection-with-opencv-and-yolo-cpp/

For yolo detection you need download yolo3.weights from wget and copy it at YoloNet folder. In the next version i will train my own weights for car detection.

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


cd ..

cmake .



Running the tests

For your camera you need to calibrate it using your chessbord images into camera_cal directory.

alt text

I am running code with cpu and I need 80 ms for a frame. Input image yolo net : 224 x 224. In next version i will use darknet and gpu.

output video :!Anr_pcsiuqDUj7pK2mk8_SxKhQzafg