
CMU Vision-Language-Autonomy Challenge - Matterport Setup

Primary LanguageC++

Repository Setup

The repository provides the base navigation system for the CMU Vision-Language-Autonomy Challenge. The system is integrated with Matterport3D photorealistic environment models and AI Habitat engine. The repository has been tested in Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic. Install dependencies with the command lines below.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libusb-dev

Clone the open-source repository.

git clone https://github.com/jizhang-cmu/cmu_vla_challenge_matterport.git

In a terminal, go to the folder and compile.

cd cmu_vla_challenge_matterport

Install Anaconda and accept the default installation directory in the home folder. Then, in a terminal, create a conda environment named 'habitat' using the provided spec file.

conda create --name habitat --file habitat_spec_file.txt

Alternatively, users can create the conda environment by following step-by-step instructions on the AI Habitat website. Then, use the command lines below to install ROS Noetic in the conda environment in addition to the nominal ROS Noetic installation in native Ubuntu.

conda activate habitat
conda install -c conda-forge -c robostack ros-noetic-desktop

Model Preparation

Go to Matterport3D website, sign Terms of Use, and download the environment models using the given download_mp.py script. Running the script requires Python 2.7.

python2 download_mp.py -o data_download_dir

Then, run the script again with '--task habitat' flag to download the files prepared for AI Habitat.

python2 download_mp.py --task habitat -o data_download_dir

In the two downloads, find the matching environment ID. Here, we use ID:17DRP5sb8fy as an example, which is for the first downloaded environment model. In the first download, find the matterport_mesh.zip file, unzip it, rename the .obj file to a matterport.obj file, and copy all the files, i.e. .obj, .jpg, .mtl, to the 'src/vehicle_simulator/mesh/matterport/meshes' folder. You can also find a house_segmentations.zip file, extract the .ply file and rename it to a map.ply file, and copy it to the 'src/vehicle_simulator/mesh/matterport/pointclouds' folder.

In the second download, find the mp3d_habitat.zip file and extract the files with the same environment ID: 17DRP5sb8fy, then rename the files to matterport.glb, matterport.house, matterport.navmesh, matterport_semantic.ply, and copy the files to the 'src/vehicle_simulator/mesh/matterport/segmentations' folder.

Setting start point - Matterport3D environment models often have multiple floors. We recommend using CloudCompare (installed with 'snap install cloudcompare') to choose the vehicle start point on the desired floor. Load the map.ply file renamed and copied from the first download. Then, use 'Tools->Segmentation->Cross Section' to crop off the ceiling and unused floors to reveal the start area.

Map Cropping

Use 'Tools/Point picking' to choose the start point and set the values of 'vehicleX', 'vehicleY', 'terrainZ' in 'src/vehicle_simulator/launch/system_matterport.launch' (default values are (0, 0, 0)). You can further save the cropped point cloud as a new map.ply file and replace the original file.

Start Point

Selecting traversable area - To select the traversable area for navigation, we need to only load the x, y, z fields in the map.ply file to CloudCompare (loading the file as a plain point cloud).

Map Loading

Use 'Edit->Segment' to extract the region that you want the vehicle to traverse.

Traversable Area Selection

Save the extracted point cloud to a traversable_area.ply file and copy it to the 'src/vehicle_simulator/mesh/matterport/pointclouds' folder. The image below shows our extracted point cloud. The traversable_area.ply file is used by the system to check the traversability of the waypoints. Users may skip this file and the system will accept waypoints placed anywhere in the environment.

Traversable Area Saved

The prepared environment model files should look like below.

            xxx.jpg (multiple files)
            xxx.mtl (one file)
            traversable_area.ply (optional)

System Launch

In a terminal, go to the 'cmu_vla_challange_matterport' folder and bring up the system.


Users should see data showing up in RVIZ. Click 'Panels->Display' and check the data to view. Users can also use the 'Waypoint with Heading' button to navigate the vehicle. To set the waypoint, press the left button on the mouse to choose the position, then move the mouse to choose the orientation before releasing the left button. The vehicle will navigate to the waypoint avoiding collisions on the way and then turn to the orientation. A video showing the system in action is available. Note that the waypoints are meant to be relatively close to the vehicle. Setting the waypoint too far can cause the vehicle to stuck at a dead end.


Users can also use the control panel to navigate the vehicle by clicking inside the black box. The system will switch to smart joystick mode - the vehicle tries to follow the joystick command and avoid collisions at the same time. To resume waypoint navigation, press the 'Resume Navigation to Goal' button. Note that users can use a PS3/4 or Xbox controller with a USB or Bluetooth interface instead of the virtual joystick (If using the Xbox Wireless USB Adapter, please install xow). Users can use the right joystick on the controller to navigate the vehicle. Holding the obstacle-check button cancels obstacle checking and clicking the clear-terrain-map button reinitializes the terrain map. To resume waypoint navigation, hold the mode-switch button and at the same time push the right joystick. This way, the right joystick gives the speed. If only holding the mode-switch button, the system will use the default speed.

RVIZ Control Panel      PS3 Controller

Troubleshooting - If the system does not launch correctly, open the 'system_bring_up.sh' file in a text editor and check if the paths defined at the top, i.e. CONDA_DIR, CONDA_BIN_DIR, CONDA_SETUP_FILE, CONDA_PROFILE_FILE, match the Anaconda installation on your computer. If the system is still not working, users can launch the autonomy system and AI Habiat in two separate terminals. In a terminal, go to the 'cmu_vla_challange_matterport' folder and bring up the autonomy system.

source devel/setup.sh  
roslaunch vehicle_simulator system_matterport.launch 

In a second terminal, go to the 'cmu_vla_challange_matterport/src/segmentation_proc/scripts' folder and run AI Habitat.

conda activate habitat
python3 ./habitat_online_360_v0.2.1.py


velodyne_simulator and joystick_drivers packages are from open-source releases.

A modified version of open-source image_sampler is included for 360 image formation.

Relevant Links

The repository is based on Autonomous Exploration Development Environment.

Far Planner: a visibility graph-based route planner.