
Forest Fire Simulation Project for the Completion of PH4505 Computational Physics - NTU Singapore Spring 2018

Primary LanguagePython


PH4505 Computational Physics Project - Forest Fire Simulation

Files Information


  • Python script to run the forest-fire simulation
  • Also, run various parameter change of the system (system size, p, p/f)
  • Calculate the critical exponent


  • Python script to 'unfold' the saved data and plotted the figure in the folder of relevant_file
  • Calculate the critical exponent


  • Plot of tree density vs f/p for a system size of 50 by 50 and various choice of f and p

forest-size vary, fix p, pbf.png; forest-size vary, fix p, pbf1.png;forest-size vary, fix p, pbf2.png;forest-size vary, fix p, pbf3.png

  • Plot of number of cluster given size and radius of cluster for different system size while setting p and p/f to be the same across comparison
  • __pbf.png is for p/f = 10, p = 0.5
  • __pbf1.png is for p/f = 100, p = 0.5
  • __pbf2.png is for p/f = 10, p = 0.05
  • __pbf3.png is for p/f = 100, p = 0.05
  • Corresponding simulation data saved in the similar naming

fix forest-size, fix p, vary pbf.png;

  • Plot of number of cluster given size and radius of cluster for different p/f value while setting p and system size to be the same across comparison
  • Corresponding simulation data saved in the similar naming

forest-size vary, pbf vary, fix p.png; forest-size vary, pbf vary, fix p1.png

  • Plot of number of cluster given size and radius of cluster for different system size and p/f value while setting p to be the same across comparison
  • __pbf.png is for p = 0.5
  • __pbf1.png is for p = 0.05


  • Simulation data of forest fire given various value of additional immunity probability (from 0 [basic forest fire] to 1 [all tree immune from neighborhood fire])
  • The summarized simulated data plotted and saved in the following figure AverageNumClusterVsImmune.png; (Average number of cluster as a function of immunity rate) ClusterSizeVsImmune.png; (Average cluster size as a function of immunity rate) DensityVsImmune.png; (Average tree density as a function of immunity rate)
  • Data that involves immune rate included in simulation_result/immune_variation/immune###.
  • immune###, the first number is number before decimal and the rest is after decimal

simulation_result folder

  • Each folder named according to the parameter of the simulation
  • 'forest-fire_#Rowsx#Cols_p_pbf_iteration'
    • #Rows, #Cols : The number of rows and columns in the system
    • p : The value of tree growth probability
    • pbf : The p/f value (or zeta in Jason's report)
    • iteration : The number of iteration for the simulation result
  • Each folder contains their corresponding simulation data and figure