- 0
scholar package fails on server
#123 opened by Akmazad - 1
add function get_pubs_all_authors - submission
#122 opened by higgi13425 - 3
Error in predict_h_index()
#118 opened by mgclaros - 1
get_coauthors limited to 20 coauthors
#120 opened by jhemsley - 0
- 1
get_complete_authors returns NA
#117 opened by genoa-sullaway - 1
Error in predict_h_index()
#115 opened by robjhyndman - 1
Unclear documentation for swap_initials() within the format_publications function.
#114 opened by fmegahed - 1
Fix for duplicate profiles
#112 opened by agbarnett - 1
fix to get_scholar_id
#111 opened by agbarnett - 6
- 0
Get scholar does not work for ids with punctuation
#109 opened by doomlab - 1
get_publications() `pubid` outputs all `<NA>`
#106 opened by dirtyplants - 1
get_publication 404 errors
#108 opened by gnk02 - 0
- 0
- 2
get_publications() returns NA for all pubids
#103 opened by fitzLab-AL - 4
- 3
- 3
Retrieving field-of-interest/expertise labels
#94 opened by TS404 - 3
- 1
OAuth2 support in Shiny
#91 opened by EricMarcon - 4
- 7
get_publications only works once
#47 opened by mkgrace - 1
- 1
get_publications maxes at 20
#87 opened by Cyade28 - 2
- 2
Publication limit at 100
#83 opened by tombroekel - 3
get_publications(id) is not returning pubid
#96 opened by Ruheyan - 1
Incorrect impact factor information.
#82 opened by hh1985 - 0
Journal ranks outdated
#93 opened by jscamac - 8
error in grep() when using get_impactfactor
#71 opened by hcacesc - 0
getting ALL ID for an author name
#88 opened by migman63 - 4
get_complete_authors - Error 429 (rate limiting)
#84 opened by conig - 0
- 3
- 2
SCImago Journal
#68 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 3
Suggested h-index change per year plots
#73 opened by TS404 - 3
Shiny Error
#72 opened by qowjdwns3 - 1
vector of pubids in get_article_cite_history()
#75 opened by jotech - 1
- 0
how to get the number of citation of a paper whose authors do not have a scholar profile?
#74 opened by mxochicale - 2
get_publications() gives error
#69 opened by jrcpulliam - 1
- 1
- 3
get_coauthors: normalize authors names
#58 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 1
get_coauthors: font family not found & arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
#56 opened by DominiqueMakowski - 10
error for get_article_city_history
#48 opened by StefanLindow - 6
Push the latest release to CRAN
#49 opened by rudazhang - 5
#46 opened by pathmes