- Methylation analysis pipeline for WGBS data
- R >= 4.1.3, python2 and python3
- Trim Galore
- Samtools
- cutadapt
- bowtie, bowtie2
- Bismark
- BS-Seeker2
- Other required R packages can be installed via msPIPE/bin/script/Package_install.R.
Or you can use msPIPE on docker without having to prepare the environment. < Recommended>
👉 HOW TO USE msPIPE on docker
git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/msPIPE.git
/PATH/TO/msPIPE/msPIPE.py -p params.conf -o OUTDIR
The parameter file must contain information necessary for pipeline execution.
ANALYSIS1 = sample1, sample2 (Two sample names for DMR analysis)
ANALYSIS2 = sample1, sample3 (Two sample names for DMR analysis)[REFERENCE]
UCSC_NAME = UCSC reference version name
FASTA = [path to reference fasta file (not required)]
GTF= [path to reference gtf file (not required)][LIB1]
SAMPLE_NAME = sample name
LIB_NAME = library name
LIB_TYPE = P or S (Paired-End or Single-Read)
FILE_1 = [path to sequencing read file]
FILE_2 = [path to sequencing read file]
usage: msPIPE.py [-h] --param params.conf --out PATH [--core int] [--qvalue float] [--skip_trimming] [--program bismark or bs2]
[--bsmooth] [--skip_mapping] [--skip_calling] [--calling_data PATH] [--skip_GMA] [--skip_DMR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--param params.conf, -p params.conf
config format parameter file
--out PATH, -o PATH output directory
--core int, -c int core (default:5)
--qvalue float, -q float
q-value cutoff (default:0.5)
--skip_trimming skip the trimgalore trimming
--program bismark or bs2
program option for mapping & calling
--bsmooth use bsmooth for DMR analysis
--skip_mapping skip the bismark mapping
--skip_calling skip the methylation calling
--calling_data PATH, -m PATH
methylCALL directory
--skip_GMA skip the Gene-Methyl analysis
--skip_DMR skip the DMR analysis
You can choose the software to be used for analysis by selecting the module.
WGBS reads mapping & calling (--program bismark or bs2).
Use this option to select the tools to be used for mapping and calling of wgbs reads.
--program bismark : use Bismark with bowtie2 (default)
--program bs2 : use BS-Seeker2 with bowtie -
Differential methylation analysis (--bsmooth)
With this option, BSmooth is used to analyze instead of methylKit and inhouse script.
You can leave out some pipeline steps with the --skip_<STEP> option.
The main steps of the entire pipeline and the steps that can be omitted are as follows.
- Check all input.
- Prepare bisulfite-converted reference genome (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
- It will be skipped if the same assembly name of the bisulfite genome has already been created under msPIPE/reference/ directory.
- WGBS reads trimming (TrimGalore)
- Can drop with --skip_trimming option.
- Trimmed reads to be used in mapping can be delivered through the TRIMMED_FILE_* parameters. ([LIB1] on below format)
- Without TRIMMED_FILE_* parameters, the pipeline searches the files on the output directory.
- WGBS reads mapping (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
- Can drop with --skip_mapping option.
- Mapping file to be used in the next step can be delivered through the BAM_FILE parameter. ([LIB2] on below format)
- Without BAM_FILE parameter, the pipeline searches the file on the output directory.
- Methylation calling (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
- Can drop with --skip_calling option.
- Pipeline use calling output on the output directory.
- Other msPIPE calling output can be given with the --calling_data option.
- Gene-Methylation analysis (Methylation profiling and Hypomethylated region analysis)
- Can drop with --skip_GMA option.
- Differential methylation analysis
- Can drop with --skip_DMR option.
SAMPLE_NAME = sample name
LIB_NAME = library name
LIB_TYPE = P or S (Paired-End or Single-Read)
TRIMMED_FILE_1 = [path to preprocessed read file (with --skip_trimming option)]
TRIMMED_FILE_2 = [path to preprocessed read file (with --skip_trimming option)][LIB2]
SAMPLE_NAME = sample name
LIB_NAME = library name
LIB_TYPE = P or S (Paired-End or Single-Read)
BAM_FILE = [path to bismark mapping file (with --skip_mapping option)]
Running example using mouse rod WGBS data from Corso-Díaz, Ximena et al.
GEO accession sample-24M sample-3M GSE134873 rep1, rep2, rep3 rep1, rep2, rep3 -
Replace the '/PATH/TO/DATA' with a data path on your local server.[DMR] ANALYSIS1 = 24M, 3M [REFERENCE] UCSC_NAME = mm10 [LIB1] SAMPLE_NAME = 24M LIB_NAME = 24M_rep1 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589858_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589858_2.fastq.gz [LIB2] SAMPLE_NAME = 24M LIB_NAME = 24M_rep2 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589859_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589859_2.fastq.gz [LIB3] SAMPLE_NAME = 24M LIB_NAME = 24M_rep3 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589860_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589860_2.fastq.gz [LIB4] SAMPLE_NAME = 3M LIB_NAME = 3M_rep1 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589850_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589850_2.fastq.gz [LIB5] SAMPLE_NAME = 3M LIB_NAME = 3M_rep2 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589851_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589851_2.fastq.gz [LIB6] SAMPLE_NAME = 3M LIB_NAME = 3M_rep3 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589852_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /PATH/TO/DATA/SRX6589852_2.fastq.gz
Running command
./msPIPE/msPIPE.py -p params_mouse.conf -o mouse_result -c 5 -q 0.5
All output created by msPIPE will be written to the methylCALL
and Analysis
directories in the given output
The output of pre-processing (read files processed by trimming and quality control), alignment, and methylation calling for each input library (named with LIB_NAME in config file) will be in methylCALL
The output of methylation analysis will be in Analysis
An example output structure of
directory[Analysis] |- avg_methlevel.pdf |- [annotations] |- [sample1] |- ALL_TEXTFILES_AND_PLOTS_FOR_SAMPLE1 |- [AroundTSS] |- [MethylSeekR] |- [sample2] |- ... |- [DMR] |- [sample1.sample2]
Output files and directories in
- avg_methlevel.pdf : a bar plot of average methylation level for CpG, CHG, and CHH context
: a directory with information of genes, exons, introns, promoters, and intergenic regions in BED format filessample1
: a directory with all results of methylation analysis for sample1- Average_methyl_lv.txt : average methylation level for each gene and its promoter
- Avg_Genomic_Context_CpG.txt : average methylation level for each genomic context (gene, exon, intron, promoter, and intergenic)
- CXX_methylCalls.bed : all methylation calls for each CX context (CXX is one of CpG, CHG, and CHH)
/meth_lv_3M.txt : for each gene, average methylation levels in bins around TSS (+/- 1500 bp)MethylSeekR
: a directory with all results for running MethylSeekR- UMR-Promoter.cnt.bed : the number of UMRs in each promoter region
- UMR-Promoter.pos.bed : the genomic coordinates of UMRs in each promoter region
- Circos.CpG_UMRs_LMRs.pdf : a circos plot for methylation level in whole-genome scale
- Genomic_Context_CpG.pdf : a bar plot for average methylation level of each genomic context (gene, exon, intron, promoter, and intergenic)
- hist_sample1_CXX.pdf : the distribution of methylation in CX context (CXX is one of CpG, CHG, and CHH)
If DMC/DMR analysis is performed, DMR
directory will be created in Analysis
directory. When the DMC/DMR analysis is performed, GO enrichment test will be carried out for the gene set with DMCs or DMRs in their promoter.
Examples of output files and directories in
for comparison pair sample1 and sample2sample1.sample2
: a directory with all results of DMC/DMR analysis, in this case sample1 will be treated as control and sample2 will be treated as case- DMR_q0.5.bed : information of differentially methylated regions
: output of running methylKit- DMC_q0.5.bed : filtered DMCs with q-value 0.5
- hypoDMC_detailed_count_methyl.txt : the number of hypomethylated DMCs in each promoter (methylation level case < control)
- hyperDMC_detailed_count_methyl.txt : the number of hypermethylated DMCs in each promoter (methylation level case > control)
- intersection.DMC2Promoter.txt : a list of intersection between genes and DMCs
- DMC_genelist.txt : a list of genes with DMCs overlapped their promoter region
- DMC_gene.GOresult.txt : a text output of GO enrichment test for genes with DMCs from methylKit using g:Profiler
- DMC_gene.GOresult.pdf : Plots of GO enrichment test for genes with DMCs from methylKit using g:Profiler
- DMR_gene.GOresult.txt : a text output of GO enrichment test for genes with DMRs from BSmooth using g:Profiler
- DMR_gene.GOresult.pdf : Plots of GO enrichment test for genes with DMRs from BSmooth using g:Profiler
git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/msPIPE.git
cd msPIPE
docker build -t jkimlab/mspipe:latest .
- Or you can pull docker image from the docker hub
docker pull jkimlab/mspipe:latest
- The parameter file must be written based on the internal path of the docker container and placed within the output dir.
- Mount the volumes with '-v' options to deliver input data and receive output results.
- params_docker.conf
[DMR] ANALYSIS1 = 24M, 3M [REFERENCE] UCSC_NAME = mm10 [LIB1] SAMPLE_NAME = 24M LIB_NAME = 24M_rep1 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /msPIPE/data/SRX6589858_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /msPIPE/data/SRX6589858_2.fastq.gz [LIB2] SAMPLE_NAME = 24M LIB_NAME = 24M_rep2 LIB_TYPE = P FILE_1 = /msPIPE/data/SRX6589859_1.fastq.gz FILE_2 = /msPIPE/data/SRX6589859_2.fastq.gz ...
#docker run -v [local path]:[docker path] [docker image name] [msPIPE command]
docker run -v /PATH/TO/INPUT/DATA:/msPIPE/data:ro -v /PATH/TO/REUSABLE/REFERENCE:/msPIPE/reference -v /PATH/TO/OUTDIR:/work_dir/ jkimlab/mspipe:latest msPIPE.py -p params_docker.conf -o result
- Mount the volumes with '-v' options to deliver input data and receive output results.
- input data dir → /msPIPE/data
- reusable references dir → /msPIPE/reference
- output dir → /work_dir
- All local paths to mount volumes are must be expressed as absolute paths.
- Replace the '/PATH/TO/*' with a directory path on your local server.