
The goal of this project is to make a node based control system block diagram software. This will enable open source development and simulation of control systems.

Diagram Example

Current Capability

  • Basic GUI and simulation for simple math / constants
  • Block types:
    • Constant
    • Sum
    • Gain (only faciliator of feedback at the moment)
    • Mux (can add ports but not remove)
    • Display
  • Can add/remove blocks and wires
  • Saving and loading the diagram (only one filename supported right now)


See third_party for a list of dependencies and how to install them.

Active Work

  • ODE solver
    • Using Boost for this.
  • Improve feedback systems
    • This should be ready theoretically if each Dynamic system block actually implements ApplyInitial()
    • Unclear if basic blocks like sum and mux should have this feature, but it is likely they should
  • Variables in a workspace


The current work is focusing on Steps 1-3.

  1. Basic GUI and scripting
    • Scripting will tentatively be in python, but might end up in C++
    • C++ will be used in the backend for speed optimization in the future.
  2. Simulation for general dynamical systems (x_dot = f(x,u,t))
    • Series simulation only, no summing junctions
  3. Simulation for linear time invariant (LTI) systems
    • State-space LTI systems
    • S-domain transfer functions
  4. Diagnostics for LTI systems
    • Bode plot
    • Nichols chart
    • Nyquist plot
    • Pole-zero map
    • Step response
    • Impulse response
  5. Basic block diagram algebra
    • Summing junctions
    • Feedback systems
    • Multiplexing
  6. Advanced block diagram manipulation
    • I/O linearization
  7. Controllers
    • PID
    • LQR f
  8. Advanced control
    • H-infinity
    • Model predictive control (MPC)