mmageroy opened this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to run spruce WGBS through your pipeline.
Is it possible to run the pipeline without Trimmomatic? My reads are fairly have quality and the adaptors have been trimmed already. I am also having trouble with Trimmomatic not giving any output. See below.
Configuration Summary:
Configured Java location: /usr/bin/java
Trimmomatic path: /home/software/Trimmomatic-0.38
Trimmomatic Adapter: /home/software/Trimmomatic-0.38/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa
Trimmomatic Running mode: PE
Trimmomatic ILLUMINACLIP: 1:30:9
Trimmomatic LEADING: 20
Trimmomatic TRAILING: 20
Trimmomatic SLIDINGWINDOW: 4:20
Trimmomatic MINLEN: 36
Trimmomatic Threading: 16
Parallel mode is: Disabled
Do you want continue to run? [y/n] y
Running Trimmomatic Part...
Starting Trimmomatic ...
Running Trimmomatic for /data/V300033699_L1_PL2003110001-2_2.fq.gz
V300033699_L1_PL2003110001-2_2 : at java.base/
Trimmomatic finished. Duration 0 Minutes.
Running Trimmomatic for /data/V300033699_L1_PL2003110001-2_1.fq.gz
V300033699_L1_PL2003110001-2_1 : at java.base/
Trimmomatic finished. Duration 0 Minutes.
Trimmomatic finished. Total time 0 Minutes.
Processing files is finished, You can check the log files in Menu, part 'Trimmomatic-log'
*** Running FastQC Report Part ***
Configuration Summary:
- Fastq Path: /home/software/FastQC/fastqc
- Parallel mode is: Disabled
Do you want continue to run? [y/n] y
Running FastQC reports ...
ls: cannot access '/results/trimmomatic-files/*.gz': No such file or directory
Starting Fasqc-report ...
Running in single mode. (parallel mode disabled.)
QC report finished in 0 minutes.
You can find the results in /results/qc-fastq-reports folder.
sort: cannot read: /results/qc-fastq-reports/list-finished.lst: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/results/qc-fastq-reports/list-finished.lst': No such file or directory
Processing files are finished.
Please, press ENTER to continue ...
Hi @mmageroy
Thank you for using our pipeline.
Yes, it is possible to run if you already have Trimmomatic files. Please copy your trimmomatic output files into "Pipeline-RESULT-PATH/ trimmomatic-files/"
then run the pipeline and select either "Run QC-Fastq-report" or "Run Bismark Mapper". The pipeline will read all the files from the "trimmomatic-files" directory and will start to run QC or Bismark-mapper.
Regarding the error message, I think the "trimmomatic-files" directory is empty, and when FASTQ is trying to read the files from that directory, you are getting this message. So, if you copy the files as I explained above, it should solve your problem.
Please let me know if you have any questions.