
Repository that contains the analysis from Li et al. Cell Regeneration, 2022.

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I. Upstream analysis

II. Downstream analysis

  • The raw read counts normalization and differential expression were determined by RNA-seq_rif1.R.

    coding_genes.R is for further analysis of genes
    repeats.R is for further analysis of repeats

  • Correlation among different samples is analyzed via CalculateCorrelation.R and plotCorrHeatmap.R is used to plot correlation heatmap.

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is calculated the foldchange (vs. control/wild type) between the samples with the depletion of the indicated genes to control (or wild type) samples via PCAanalysis.R.

  • GOanalysis.R is used to perform GO analysis.

  • Single locus repeats RNA-seq analysis needs single locus position annotation file to annotate the reads signal in genome.

    featureCounts sample.repeats.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \
                  -a ~/project/rif1/mm9_repeats_single_locus.gtf \
                  -g gene_id2 -o sample.counts -T 40

III. Quality Control

All data in this article has been quality controlled, the qc reports are as follows: