
Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The scHiC package is designed for processing single-cell Hi-C data from raw FASTQ files to Hi-C contact matrices. This document provides detailed instructions on how to install and use this package, as well as a comprehensive API reference.


To install the scHiC package, you will need to have R and Bioconductor installed. Use the following commands in R to install the package:

# Install devtools if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))

# Install scHiC from GitHub

# Ensure you have also installed the necessary dependencies:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

BiocManager::install(c("GenomicRanges", "Biostrings", "Rsamtools", "BiocParallel"))

Quick Start

To get started with the scHiC package, load it and read some sample FASTQ data:


# Paths to your FASTQ files
fastq_paths <- c("path/to/your/sample1.fastq", "path/to/your/sample2.fastq")

# Read and preprocess FASTQ data
data <- read_fastq_data_parallel(fastq_paths)

# Perform quality control
qc_data <- quality_control(data)

# Align reads using Bowtie2 (make sure Bowtie2 is installed and configured)
align_reads(fastq_paths, "path/to/output.sam", "path/to/bowtie2/index")

# Build contact matrix
contact_matrix <- build_contact_matrix("path/to/output.sam")

Functions read_fastq_data_parallel This function reads and preprocesses FASTQ files in parallel.


fastq_paths: A character vector of paths to FASTQ files. Returns:

A list of lists, each containing sequences and qualities extracted from one FASTQ file. Example:

fastq_paths <- c("sample1.fastq", "sample2.fastq")
data <- read_fastq_data_parallel(fastq_paths)

quality_control Performs quality control on sequence data.


  • data: A list containing sequences and qualities.
  • min_quality: The minimum mean quality score required (default: 20).
  • min_length: The minimum sequence length required (default: 50). Returns:

A list of the same structure as input but containing only the sequences and qualities that passed the quality control. Example:

qc_data <- quality_control(data)

align_reads Aligns reads to a reference genome using an external tool such as Bowtie2.


  • fastq_paths: A character vector of paths to FASTQ files.
  • output_path: Path where the output SAM file will be saved.
  • aligner_cmd: Command template to use for alignment, e.g., "bowtie2 -x %s -U %s -S %s".
  • aligner_options: Additional options for the aligner (default: "").
  • Returns:

None. Output is written directly to the file specified by output_path. Example:

align_reads(fastq_paths, "output.sam", "path/to/bowtie2/index")

build_contact_matrix Builds a Hi-C contact matrix from aligned read data.


bam_path: Path to the BAM file containing aligned read data. resolution: Resolution of the contact matrix (default: 1e6). Returns:

A contact matrix as a Matrix object. Example:

contact_matrix <- build_contact_matrix("output.sam")


Contributions to the scHiC package are welcome. Please refer to the repository's issues and pull requests sections on GitHub to contribute or report problems.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.