
Files for my system. Includes things like aliases, custom commands, scripts, etc.

Primary LanguageShell


My configs, scripts, and functions for my MacOS setup.

These are personalized to my use, but hopefully there are some bits and pieces somewhere that are useful to you. Try digging around in .custom/aliases and .custom/scripts/.

I use:

Terminal.app as my terminal.
ohmyzsh to manage my zsh config.
tmux as my terminal multiplexer.
yadm to manage my dotfiles.
vim as my text editor (although I admit I still use VSCode for many things), and
vim-plug to manage vim plugins.

To install, run

brew install yadm
yadm clone https://github.com/jlehrer1/dotfiles
# restart the Terminal so that env variables can be accessed
exec zsh
# now run bootstrap
yadm bootstrap