
Library rebuilding IMU attitude from IMU data send through UDP socket

Primary LanguageC++


Library rebuilding IMU attitude from IMU data send through UDP socket

Installation instructions



Try it

  • On your Android phone, install SensorStream IMU+GPS.
  • Launch it and enter the hostname corresponding to your computer and the port 6000.
  • Select UDP Stream and start streaming.
  • On your computer, launch remoteimu-viz.


Create a class that inherits from remoteimu::MouseEventSender and reimplement the method mouseEvent.

UDPServer* server (new UDPServer (host, port));
Mouse mouse (server, 60);
MyMouseEventSender* myEventSender = new MyMouseEventSender();
mouse.setMouseEventSender (myEventSender);
mouse.handleEvents (true);

To do

  • Enhancing the SensorDataParser in order to handle inputs from other streams.