- Orientation in Rstudio
- Alien signals demo
- Map demo
- R syntax
- Data types
- Sets of data: vectors, lists, data.frames, and tibbles
- Math and logic
- Operators and functions
- If/else
- User-defined functions
- Manipulating tables with
- Summary statistics
- Read and write files
- Plotting with
and extensions
- Data wrangling and cleaning, pivots, and joins
- Regular expressions and string interpolation
- Nested data, functional programming, and modeling
- Storytelling with plots
- Interactive figures with ggiraph & plotly
An introduction to working with research data
Find the install instructions here and get R and Rstudio installed on your computer.
Look into the usethis
package to setup Github in Rstudio
- Restart and try again
- Check your code for obvious issues - typos, symbols in the wrong place, etc.
- Google it! Include keywords: the language, library, and function you are using, as well as the error message.
- Read the documentation for the software you are using.
- Try to reproduce and isolation the issue with a minimal dataset and with as little code as possible.
- Create a reprex of your problem.
- If you can't solve your issue and it seems rather basic, try posting on social media like reddit or twitter.
- If it is a more complex issue and the question isn't already solved by what's on StackOverflow, post it there.
- Include as much information as possible!
- Discuss what you've tried already and what the output was.