
Adding key to structural scan filenames to indicate bias correction

Closed this issue · 2 comments

We noticed that bidskit treats bias-corrected structural scans as separate runs (e.g. original T1w gets labeled with "run-01", while the bias-corrected T1w with "NORM" in image type gets labeled with "run-02"; see screenshots below).
thumbnail_image (1)

If possible, could you add a “recon-” key in the BIDS filenames to indicate whether a structural has been bias corrected?

Thanks so much!

Yes, definitely should be doable. I'll add this as a command line argument control with the default being off and no recon- key generated. You can switch it on as required.

Version 2022.2.10 now supports complex-valued images (part-* filename key), multiecho BOLD (echo-) and bias correction mode (recon-).