- 3
Error "No DICOM header information found in"
#132 opened by adamculbreth - 0
Blip up/down for multi-echo
#131 opened by zhengchencai - 0
Unclear specifications/ lack of examples of "Protocol_Translator.json" file
#130 opened by ruben-stanford - 3
Unable to run bidskit - "TypeError: Expected maxsize to be an integer or None"
#129 opened by ruben-stanford - 1
Files are overwritten on the second pass
#128 opened by gauvinalexandre - 0
session flag
#125 opened by trevorbryanjackson - 0
Cannot convert Tilted CT Scan
#123 opened by gauvinalexandre - 0
Cannot debug bidskit
#122 opened by gauvinalexandre - 5
- 0
- 0
- 2
.bval and .bvec export depends on dwi filename
#113 opened by davidrs06 - 2
Error when using --no-sessions option and only one subject is converted
#118 opened by gauvinalexandre - 6
Second pass error
#111 opened by hbaagil - 3
Second pass error : KeyError: 'ScanningSequence'
#114 opened by elPreeto - 4
'SerDesc' key error
#112 opened by ChristineFarrugia - 1
Second pass issue
#117 opened by CatalinaTLl - 1
Not anonymizing
#116 opened by CatalinaTLl - 0
Read-the-Docs page is an empty stub
#115 opened by dkp - 3
default readme in BIDS dataset after conversion
#109 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
run- label issue with anat-entity.
#72 opened by JasonProtoMe - 1
Sanity check for duplicate output filenames
#76 opened by jmtyszka - 16
- 1
Uncompressed but gz extension
#105 opened by jmtyszka - 1
- 0
adding an option to check Protocol_Translator.json
#95 opened by sarahoh - 0
Adding flexibility to --bind-fmaps
#97 opened by sarahoh - 6
- 3
Issue with 'Intended for' field
#86 opened by tstoica - 2
Issues with BOLD SBRefs
#75 opened by davekahn - 1
DICOMDIR as input
#71 opened by alexsayal - 1
JSON files for magnitude images
#102 opened by alexsayal - 4
- 3
- 6
- 0
Compatibility with pybids 0.13.x
#83 opened by jmtyszka - 1
Installation told me to ask for help?
#85 opened by katedamme - 1
Can we anonymize data while converting?
#87 opened by zhengchencai - 1
- 2
- 0
Implement Support for Scans.tsv
#92 opened by claytonjschneider - 4
UnicodeDecodeError: ascii codec can't decode
#77 opened by hpsaarimaki - 0
- 1
Flag on initial run without sourcedata directory
#74 opened by davekahn - 1
Passing custom options to dcm2niix
#79 opened by alexenge - 1
- 5
More than one sequence with the same name
#70 opened by alexsayal - 1
- 2
Docker build . fails in pybids install
#66 opened by dmd - 8
clarification on sourcedata requirements
#67 opened by dmd