A routing library for React Native that strives for sensible API parity with react-router 🤖
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Allow Access to Current Scene or NavigationState
#61 opened by liamfd - 0
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Not working in react-native-web
#79 opened by ashanjayasundara - 1
<Link> component has excessive required props.
#64 opened by jacortinas - 5
is this project abandoned?
#81 opened by KirillSuhodolov - 0
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Component not unmounting on goBack()
#65 opened by lukefanning - 2
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- 0
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Router not passed to children
#69 opened by VinceBT - 0
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- 0
Not fired componentDidMount when change route in StackRoute through history.push
#74 opened by ophite - 0
Can't specify routes as a plain object
#73 opened - 3
undefined is not a function(evaluating '(0, _reactRouterNative.withRouter)')
#72 opened by eyala-stratoscale - 1
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compatibility react-native-web ?
#71 opened by flyjennyetn - 1
Android back button doesn't work in TabsRoute
#57 opened by DenJohX - 0
Header right button disable
#68 opened by shakdoesgithub - 0
Change Icon when the tab is active
#67 opened by tarkanlar - 0
Override navigationCard styles
#66 opened by NewOldMax - 5
Will RR v4 be supported?
#48 opened by MoOx - 0
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Handling modals
#49 opened by jeanregisser - 7
Need help to understand how transition works
#59 opened by smontlouis - 3
question to router
#62 opened by Eightyplus - 8
What would be the best way to dynamically change content of overlay from scene?
#26 opened by joonhocho - 0
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Material design bottom navigation transition
#51 opened by smontlouis - 4
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Missing dependencies.
#32 opened by twelvearrays - 3
Possible error with Redux
#53 opened by DenJohX - 0
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Integration with Redux w/ HMR
#47 opened by deoqc - 1
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Make compatible with RN 0.32
#36 opened by jonathanglasmeyer - 2
Swipe from left screen to pop
#38 opened by jonathanglasmeyer - 0
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Same routes shared across multiple tabs.
#25 opened by joonhocho - 6
transitionTo has empty routerState
#27 opened by jonathanglasmeyer - 1
Question: Route vs StackRoute vs TabsRoute?
#29 opened by cpsubrian - 3
Why is the top-level `path` needed but ignored?
#28 opened by dchambers - 2
How does it work with cyclic routes?
#24 opened by joonhocho - 5