
Code used in the paper "Subset Wavelet Trees" for SEA 2023

Primary LanguageC++

SubsetWT experiments

This repository contains instructions and code to reproduce the experiments in the paper "Subset Wavelet Trees" for SEA 2023.

Downloading the data

Downloading the data requires curl, and fasterq-dump from the SRA toolkit.

3682 E. coli genomes

curl -O https://zenodo.org/record/6577997/files/coli3682_dataset.tar.gz

17,336,887 metagenomic reads

fasterq-dump ERR5035349

Building and running the experiments

First, pull the submodules with:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Then, go the SBWT submodule and build it using the instructions in the submodule. Then, compile the experiments with:

cd sdsl-lite
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++) -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which gcc)
cd ../..
make microbenchmark kmer_search_benchmark

This creates an executables called microbenchmark and kmer_search. Both of these take as input a plain-matrix SBWT index. The SBWT index can be built by passing a list of filenames to the SBWT program, one filename per line. For the E. coli genomes, if the genomes are in the directory coli3682_dataset, we can create the filename list by running find coli3682_dataset/ -type f > list.txt. For the metagenome dataset, the input file list should contain just the line ERR5035349_1.fastq. Given a list file, the SBWT index can then be built with:

mkdir temp
./SBWT/build/bin/sbwt build -i list.txt -o index.sbwt -k 31 --add-reverse-complements --n-threads 4 --ram-gigas 8 --temp-dir temp

This will save the index to index.sbwt. This should not take more than a few hours for either of the datasets in the paper.

To run the microbenchmark of the paper on this index, run ./microbenchmark index.sbwt. To run the k-mer search benchmark, run ./kmer_search index.sbwt queries.fastq, where queries.fna is the file containing the queries. In case of the metagenomic read set, we queried a file containing the first 25,000 reads of ERR5035349_1.fastq (extract with head -n 100000 ERR5035349_1.fastq > queries.fastq), and in case of the E. coli genomes, we queried the genome coli3682_dataset/GCA_000005845.2_ASM584v2.fna.