
In readthedocs, there are some false command, and what is the forward and reverse barcode?

khsjh opened this issue · 0 comments

khsjh commented

While running scHiCExplorer with tutorial, I have some questions about scHiCExplorer tools such as Demultiplex and BuildMatrix.
(The tutorial means Analysis of single-cell Hi-C data index)

At first, in case of hicBuildMatrix, three arguments should be used, restrictionSequence, restrictionCutFile and danglingSequence

But in the tutorial, there are no required options in example command.
So I tried that command including these options and it work well.
(When I used this command without three required options, some error message were occurred)
Is that right the example command is false?
also some command is skipped the space between option and argument, such as -n1 -P1-I ...
Creation of Hi-C interaction matrices index is the example.

And what is the forward barcode and reverse barcode?
I think the one is barcode sequence and the other is the i5 sequence.
Is that right?